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Authors note-
I made some slight changes to Vivienne's backstory, it's not much but it makes her last name Black not Lockwood. Also this is a very long chapter you guys are in for a treat 🙏🏼 and i appreciate your comments so much!

 Also this is a very long chapter you guys are in for a treat 🙏🏼 and i appreciate your comments so much!

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Vivienne's pov

"Are you lot excited for Hogsmeade? I feel like we haven't been in ages" I ask we walk towards the shops, "I personally am excited to stock up on sweets" He grins and Oscar laughs,

"I personally can't wait to have a nice fresh butter beer" Oscar sighs dreamily and he looks at Stella expectantly, "Well? What are you excited for?"

She stares at him blankly for a moment before realizing he's actually waiting for a response, "I'm excited to leave the castle I guess"

"That's the spirit! Now, let's divide and conquer" Oscar grins,

"I'll meet you guys at the three broomsticks in a bit I wanted to check out the bookshop" I say and we agree on a time.

"Hello! Could I help you with anything?" The young woman working at the shop asks me as I walk in and I smile politely, "No thank you, I'm just looking around"

I walk around the cozy bookshop looking over multiple genres before someone taps me on the shoulder, "Charlie? What are you doing here?" I gasp in disbelief, he smiles widely as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Well I can't actually say why i'm here, but I can assure you it has nothing to do with the first task tomorrow" He winks and I'm in even more disbelief, dragons for the first task?

"Why are you at Hosmeade then if no one's meant to know?"

"I honestly had no clue you lot would be here today and when I found out I thought it would be safe to look around in the bookshop, you childern don't seem the intellectual type" He jokes and I hit him on the arm causing him to gasp in faux pain, "That's quite rude"

"So is calling me stupid"

"Nooo! You're not stupid Vivie, you're the smartest person I know" He continues to tease and I can't help but laugh at his childishness.

"How've you been? Any juicy gossip you can share while I'm cooped up in here?"

"The only juicy gossip is that your brother's a twat" I grumble turning my gaze to the bookshelf, annoyed at the thought that Fred and I haven't spoken in a week.

"Which one?" Charlie jokes and regrets it when I give him a look. "Right Fred then, what'd he do?"

"He freaked out on me like twice in the span of 24 hours, the first time for flirting with a boy and the second time for asking what's wrong, I mean, bloody hell. And when I don't speak to him for a week he doesn't even try to fix things" I huff and Charlie looks absolutely pleased by my response and I glare at him, "You think I'm being dramatic don't you?"

𝙾𝙱𝙻𝙸𝚅𝙸𝙾𝚄𝚂 {𝙵𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙻𝙴𝚈}Where stories live. Discover now