9. Keeping Up with the Trends

Start from the beginning


"Woah!! Look at all those food stalls! It looks so tender and juicy!! Let's get some, Sushang!" Guinaifen's mouth drooled upon seeing the variety of food.

"Alright!! I'm hungry after all that walking!" Sushang agreed with her, buying a few from the vendors.

"Me too!"

The stream had ended and two were already crowding a food stall by the side of the road. They were carefree. But no one bothered or judged them, after all, one's existence is natural no matter what or who they are.

A man in a dark black cloak stood a good distance away from them. 'Huh? Is that a camera?!' He identified the device in the orange head's hand, a strange object to the locals. The man walked up to the two, who had just finished getting their snacks. He placed his hand on the brown head's shoulders.

"Ah!-" Sushang jumped at the sudden touch, turning to the person who did that, "who're you?!" She asked, on guard.

"I-I apologize!" The man said panicking, "I was just wondering if what you're holding there.." He pointed at the object, "is a camera?"

The two looked down at the object Sushang was holding and gasped.

"You know what this is?!" They both screamed, they were both shocked. No one here should know about the strange object they were holding, especially the residences of a planet that hadn't opened up to the world!

"Um.. is it bad to know?" The stranger scratched their face in confusion.

"No, no! It's just, how do you know about this?" Sushang asked, still drawn back by the man's questioning.

The person looked around. "I don't think it's appropriate to say it here. We should go somewhere more private."

The two stared at the stranger, worried if they had bad intentions.

"Ah.. My name is Choi Han." He took off his hood, extending his hand to greet them back.

'Choi Han? Doesn't seem like the name of a native from TCF.' They both thought. 'Maybe another traveler?'

Sushang accepted the handshake, "I assume you're not from here either?"



Choi Han led them to the royal palace to talk. He had been informed that travelers from outer space had been visiting them, but he had never thought that he would find.. such similarities to his hometown... which is why he wanted to talk to these outsiders.

"Wooaaah!!!" The two friends looked around the gigantic place, even the Xianzhou buildings weren't this large and grand! They were awestruck by the view, from the architecture to the lighting.

"This is a scene to remember!" Guinaifen was filming as every step she took closer to the palace, hoping to upload it to her channel later to show her fans it. The photo version was just like what's seen in real life, a magnificent jewel.

"Do you live here?! This place is so massive!" Sushang asked.

"Not really..." Choi Han became shy. "You could say I'm a guest here." He continued to lead them inside.

"Oh to be a guest here! In such a luxurious place!"

They were fantasizing of all the other things that could've been there.

"Cale-nim!" Choi Han spotted the red hair in the middle of the halls. He ran up to him.

"Hello Choi Han.. who are they?" Cale noticed the two behind him.

'Woahhh he's so beautiful!'

"I forgot to ask them.." Choi Han chuckled nervously before turning around to the two, "could you tell us your names please?"

"Ah- I'm Sushang!"

"I'm Guinaifen!"

'Foreign names?' Cale didn't feel anything familiar about the names, he had never heard of "Guinaifen" used as a name or word. "Nice to meet you, I'm Cale."

"Nice to meet you too!!" Guinaifen greeted him back. Thank god she had already been recording since they were outside or else she would've regretted not capturing such a beauty on camera!

"Hm.." Another person entered the halls. "Seems like travelers from the Xianzhou has already started taking action here."

"General Jing Yuan?! What're you doing here?!" Sushang recognized the person. "I-I mean it's.. it's unexpected to see you here..!"

"No need for formalities," Jing Yuan excused her behavior. "And would it be strange to be seen on a new allied planet's land?"

"N-no sir!" Sushang was still panicking, she wouldn't be left unpunished after what she had said so disrespectfully to the general!

Jing Yuan sighed. "I didn't expect to see you here, Guinaifen."

"Me either! I haven't seen you since the defeat of the evil heliobus, Cirrus! It's been so long!" Guinaifen spoke behind the camera, still filming.

"I'm glad we're on the same page." Jing Yuan smiled, nodding his head.

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