Chapter 14: Pitch Black Strikes Again

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"Do you know what?" asked Sherman. "What?" grunted Edith. "Do you know what?" "Silly," said Edith. "Of course I don't know what, if you don't tell me what that is." "Mr. Peabody says that the work in the Time Force Headquarters is too heavy for me. He's getting a letter from someone new to meet." "Rubbish!" said Agnes. "Any human can do it. If you worked more and chattered less, this Agency would be a sweeter, a better, and a happier place." Sherman went off to fetch some trolleys.

Sherman was looking for his besties while trying to get a glimpse of the special letter that Mr. Peabody was getting from someone new. "No one listens to me now," he said to himself. "They think I'm a silly boy and order me about. I'll show them, I'll show them." But he didn't know how. At the end of the day, Sherman felt tired and unhappy. He found Margo, Antonio, and Penny while bringing the trolley to the station.

"Hello, Sherman," said Margo, "you look tired." "Yes, I am," Sherman confirmed. "I don't know if I'm standing on my hands or on my feet." "You look the right way up to me," laughed Margo. "Cheer up. Mr. Peabody is getting a special letter from someone new, and he will probably read it to us. Would you like to help build my new task force car? Antonio and Penny will help, too." "Oh, yes, please," said Sherman. And so, the four of them got to work in the workshop quickly.

When the Time Force members got to the workshop inside their headquarters, they got ready to build their new task force car. "Button, on. Memory, activate." "Blueprints, awesome! Begin nano-mutation." "Radiation matrix, secure. Computer, boot!" "Coolness enhancement, complete! Engage coffee break." Then, all four of them said together, "Networking power grids!" And then, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny started getting the power grids fired up at the same time, and they were sure to get everything powered up at the right place and the right time. When they looked around, they saw that the power grid was fully powered up, meaning that the electrical cords got the power to work.

"Now, let's get on with the construction of our task force car, get it powered up in time, and find the buttons that allow it to transform into different vehicle variations," said Margo. "Right you are," said Antonio. "Sounds good," agreed Sherman. "I'm in!" added Penny. And the four humans started getting on with the construction of their task force car right away. They were looking forward to putting together the Time Force's task force car in seconds.

First, they got the parts they needed at the hardware store and paid for them at the right place and the right time. Second, they delivered the parts they needed to the Time Force Headquarters workshop and gathered them all in the right places where they should be at. Third, they got some power tools they would use together for the construction of their task force car. Fourth, they started building the task force car with a lot of hard work for about six days. Fifth, they put the finishing touches on their task force car after it was fully constructed in time. "Yessss!" they said as they completed the construction of the Time Force car.

And so, they went off to the rescue to find Edith and Agnes in the park. Edith and Agnes were stuck on the rocks in the Central Park in the city, feeling shaky. Sherman couldn't help laughing. "Got yourself in a bit of a jam, eh, you two? What you might call a scary situation?" he laughed. "Be quiet!" snapped Edith. "It's not funny having been scared of inflatable robots!" "And not very reliable, either. I'm surprised that happened, you two," said Sherman. "Nothing should stop us humans." "That's enough, Sherman," said Penny. "Can you take these two to their classes?" "Of course I can, there's no time to lose," said Sherman.

Edith and Agnes angrily hissed steam as Sherman got them into the Time Force's task force car. "Off we go," said Sherman. "I'll have to get there fast to get there in time. These two girls are so unreliable." "Be careful, Sherman," said Antonio, but Sherman was in a hurry. He didn't see that the points had failed and that he had been diverted into a siding. "Look out, Sherman!" called Antonio, and he applied the brakes. The car stopped just in time, and it turned towards the parking lot of the New York City School of Performing Arts just in time. At last, Edith and Agnes were ready for their school day. "See you later," said Agnes.

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