A Night To Forget (Leah Willamson)

Start from the beginning

Leah was doing her lap and was just near the end of the away stand when she heard the stadium break out into cheers. When she looked around to see what was the cause was, she saw you. She saw you walking near the home bench wearing a black compression sleeve and a matching knee brace. Millie was carrying a pair of crutches but laid them on the bench.

You were injured. Leah didn't know what the damage was but she knew that you were hurt. She also knew by the looks on your friends' face that she wouldn't get close to you right now.

It was a hard thing to process for you. You tried to masque your hurt with a grin but it wasn't very believable. You wanted to celebrate with your team, this win was huge, but your mind was elsewhere.

"She didn't mean to" Sam, of all people, came to Leah's defence.

"And that means I can't be mad? You saw the replays, she could have ended by career with that tackle" you didn't know what to feel, you didn't know how you should feel.

"But she didn't"

"Why are you defending her!" You covered your mouth in case a microphone and camera on you.

"Because no one else will and you know it" Sam really was trying to do the right thing but maybe it was wrong of her.

"Well then she shouldn't have done it" your response was scarily calm.

The girls in red stayed clear of you and rightly so. It was only Alessia that was brave enough to come to you.

"You're very annoying to play against. Good game tonight, you deserved to win this one" her genuine words earned her a smile.

"Thanks Less" you pulled her in for a quick hug as you walked down the tunnel together.

"Is it bad?" She wasn't sure if she wanted the answer "Leah was asking about you"

"Well you can tell Leah that I don't know the severity of the injury she caused"

"But it's not, you know...." the forward daren't speak the words that had now rivalled the Macbeth superstition.

"No. I needed stitches and the brace is because the two cuts are on the joint. It's so I don't reopen them"

Leah looked up at the sound of Alessia entering the locker room. She saw you through the gap, immediately stood up and started walking towards you.

"Y/N" she begs you to look at her.

"Thanks for checking in Less. I'll see you at home" you didn't address Leah but you did look at her. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing though because there was a numbness in your gaze.

She waited and waited in your shared apartment. Hours passed and she was close to giving up, she thought that you must have changed your mind. Could she have blamed you if you had?

Leah blew out the candle, your favourite one, and turned off the lamp. Just as she got into bed she heard the front door open and close. She was on her feet in a flash and running towards you.

"Y/N. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry"

"What were you thinking? It was sloppy, dangerous and unnecessary"

"I needed to stop you. I hadn't been able to stop you all game"

That was her defence and you found it pathetic.

"You played terribly Leah. I won't stand here and sugarcoat things. You made mistakes but this wasn't one of them. You knew exactly what you were doing when you came flying in"

"I didn't. I swear I didn't. I—" Leah pauses for a moment. She didn't mean to hurt you but she also couldn't know for sure if her subconscious wanted to stop you by any means.

"You didn't mean to hurt me but you knew the tackle was reckless and it could end badly yet you did it anyway"

When you put it that way Leah found herself agreeing with you.

"I love you Leah but I have every right to be mad at you. You can't dismiss my feelings"

That wasn't Leah's intention but she knew that was what she was doing.

"I'm not. I mean I won't. Do you want space from me? I can sleep on the sofa or even go to one of the girls' houses" Leah was ready to give you your space if that is what you wanted.

"No, I don't want that. I just want to be mad for a little bit but I can do that with you in bed beside me"

Leah found herself smiling. She was in trouble, big trouble, but you were going to forgive her.

"Don't be surprised if I punch you in my sleep. Dream me might want revenge. Now carry me to bed. I don't know how you put up with this thing. It's so annoying"

Just when Leah began to forget about what happened, you remind her. To be fair the black brace was very bulky and hard to ignore.

"How bad is it Y/N? Tell me the truth, please" Leah carried you bridal style whilst waiting for the verdict.

"8 stitches and I have to wear the brace while they heal" you told her everything that you knew.

Leah laid you down gently on the bed and her fingers lingered on the velcro of the brace. You knew what she was asking without her having to open her mouth. You lean forward and undo the straps. Gently you pull the compression sleeve down, revealing the ugliness of the injury.

Your girlfriend gasps and takes a step back. She hurt you, she hurt you really bad. When you first started dating she made a promise to never be the reason for your pain, only for your happiness. She broke that promise tonight at Stamford bridge.

"I have a hospital appointment for scans tomorrow morning. They don't think there's any serious damage"

"I'll take you" Leah tells you.

"Damn right you will Williamson. I am clearly in no shape to drive"

"Please don't call me that" you could have sworn you saw Leah shrink in size "Call me Leah if you have to, but not Williamson"

Here's the thing. Leah loved nicknames and you called her plenty of them. Each had a different meaning and you used them in different scenarios. It's why this struck her so deeply.

"Leah" you wait until she is looking at you "come to bed"

The blonde does as told but she does it goes so gingerly. You were fragile in her eyes and no way was she going to hurt you more.

That night the two of the slept poorly. That is until you pull Leah into your arms. You tried your best to forget about the incident because you knew Leah blamed herself for the loss. In this specific moment she simply needed to be held by her girlfriend.

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