S1 - Ch.26 - First Kisses

Start from the beginning

"If I were you... I'd run" Y/N said from the back, being patched up by his Ghost. "Supergirl is no joke when she's angry".

PB didn't take the advice and panicked, seeing Kara come near him made him twitch and he threw a punch, the girl easily caught it in her hand with no trouble as wind blew her hair, skirt with the shorts underneath and cape up a little at blocking the boy's punch.

Power Boy's eyes widened when he felt a more powerful strength grip his fist, before punching him back, sending him further down the street beside the building she punched him through.

Good thing it was under construction, not much damage but still some amount...

PB roared with anger, flying at Supergirl with inhuman speed before she dodged his attack in a nanosecond, still with that Kryptonian death stare on her face, knabbing him across the jaw, into the air as she soared after him.

"And that's why you don't mess with her" Y/N shouted after them, hoping the boy could hear him still.

"Their fight seems to be going across the Gotham River, I suggest we go after them" Glace finished up patching her Guardian, getting him to 100% again.

"I didn't bring popcorn" he huffed, before taking out his neon cube, teleporting himself across the Gotham River Bay, just as a loud scream of pain eluded his ears not far from where he stood.

"Traveler, what the hell was that?" Y/N asked, rushing over to where he heard the screech, seeing Supergirl being the only one standing there, he rushed over. "I know for a fact that wasn't you who screamed" he asked, as much to Kara's shock.

"How did you get here so fast?" she questioned, before seeing a neon glowing cube in Y/N's hand.

"What? Oh yeah, used this... A gift from the Friendly Vex, can teleport with it, store data, go into the Vex Network when I want, all that sort of thing" he showed her the cube as she eyed it's beautiful color.

"Neat" she smiled. "As for him? Just beat him up across the sky, crashed down here, and I... Kicked him in the no-no area" she kept her smile, looking proud of what she did.

"Think he'll come back?" he asked.

"If he does?" she cracked her knuckles. "I'll finish what I started, after what I heard? I pretty much stopped getting ready and rushed over".

"No big deal" he had a feeling she would apologize. "I'm ready for our date".

"You kidding?" she giggled. "While we're in costume? You can't be serious, right?" she questioned if he was mad to do so.

"Well... I've always liked to show off" he smirked as Kara rolled her eyes.

"I had a dress out and ready though" she puckered her lips.

"You can bring it out on our third date" he smiled as she did.

"A third date proposal already, huh?" she smirked next before a giggle escaped.

"Just shut up and fly us, Angel... My ship's down and Batman would want to know why so".

"You owe him an explanation later" she picked him up and flew up in the air, Glace soon disappearing into thin-air. "Besides? We got a date".

* *

[New York City USA | 9:37pm]

Unfortunately... The restaurant the couple planned to go to... Was shut, as much to Kara's utter disappointment.

Y/N initially blamed Power Boy's interference for the reason, but upon closer inspection? Kara found that it was closed due to new fittings and exterior, which she initially forgot that today was the day it was happening, driving a wedge into her plans...

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