S1 - Ch.15 - Titans

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"I don't understand why I have to be there too" complained a Guardian who was currently being carried like a bride within the sky by a pair of feminine arms, covered in blue sleeves with a gold outline at the end of each sleeve.

"Because I want you to!" exclaimed an excited blonde haired alien girl. "Cassie invited me over to try out for the team! And I want my best friend to be there for me" sweetly said the clad Girl of Steel, her full red, and gold outlined cape swishing behind her as she soared through the sky along with her golden hair. "Besides, you've met em before, the only person I get along with mostly and know well is Cassie and don't worry... You're not exactly being replaced".

Y/N chose to ignore whatever that meant from her last sentence. "Guess you didn't want me to be left out, huh?" he asked as Supergirl turned to him and smiled.

"Just to keep your mind off of things regarding those three weeks ago" at least three weeks ago, Y/N had found and buried Aya with her Ghost, Yhonder, on the beach near the Amazon Rainforest within Brazil, Aya gifted him, her sniper as a final goodbye. Knowing it would be useful in his hands, other than hers as she predicted that he would've found her.

He began to ponder on what had killed her and Yhonder, which is why the Outsiders vowed to investigate for him which was rather a nice gesture, he needed all the help he can to find out who and what killed Aya and Yhonder, she mentioned something that killed her but it was unhearable and unreadable once the message was shared to the Outsiders for them to listen into for information and evidence.

Which is why Batman provided files and logs from Y/N's information he gave the Dark Knight after his arrival to the Earth he and his Ghost is currently stuck on, with the Justice League doing everything they can, to find whatever Earth Y/N and Glace came from.

"Oh.... Right" he lowered his voice upon thinking back to that moment, the realization that his once chance to finally complete his original objective, which came to an unfortunate end. "I guess this can... Keep my mind off it for a little bit".

"I don't mean to ask, though I am... But has the Outsiders found anything yet? A little evidence or something?" Supergirl asked him cautiously, not wanting to pop a emotion pimple.

"Nothing... They went back to the Rainforest but only found little to no evidence... Something or SOMEONE... Killed her and Yhonder, and they're gonna pay" he vowed with a sense of vengeance before sighing. "Then again... I already had to avenge one Guardian and their Ghost... Now another?" he pondered.

"Don't think too much about it, okay?" the Girl of Steel brought his attention back to her. "It'll only make it worse".

Y/N simply chuckled lightly at her words, finding a sense of amusement at how adorable she sounded, inspiring too. "You've been here for what? four-almost-five months on Earth and you're already being a Girl-Scout?" he chuckled again before pinching her cheek softly, causing her to giggle lightly with him.

"I've been hanging around my cousin more than I should have, right?" she asked herself and him before laughing softly next. "I guess it runs in the family" she gave a visible shrug as her eyes lock with his, feeling a sense of butterflies dancing in her stomach next.

"Heh" he gave a simple chuckle before a question speared his mind. "Where was this tower again?" he asked next, bringing Kara out of her daydream.

"Oh... Uh, San Francisco! Which we're currently flying above right now" she gave a bright smile.

"San Francisco does have the famous Golden Gate Bridge, the Humans of this Earth call it, doesn't look Golden to me though" Glace spoke within the Guardian's pocket dimension backpack, only hearing her voice in his head.

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