S1 - Ch.20 - Suppressed Feelings

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Supergirl didn't know why, or what she was doing... But she couldn't keep her eyes off of Y/N who was standing up in front of the heroes from each team, giving them intel on the current location of the Shard of Light, spotted near the Isle of Lewis, the Calanais Standing Stones in Scotland.

Hive and Taken had burrowed themselves around the area, fortifying the surrounding area with defenses and blights, labeling the area "too dangerous for stay around" for those willing to visit one of the Seven Wonders of Earth.

Kara knew what she was feeling toward Y/N, the feeling of...




Yet? She's never had this feeling before? She questioned 'why now?'

What didn't help was that Cassie Sandsmark knew that Kara was feeling something toward the Guardian, she would tease her then and there still, even giving her a form of advice on the matter too when Y/N wasn't around.

The Kryptonian girl's eyes could not lay off of Y/N, she felt vulnerable around him, felt more relaxed and safe... Although she couldn't get hurt from bullets, explosives, cars, trains, buses, etc.

She was faster than a speeding bullet, way faster than her cousin, more powerful than a locomotive just like her cousin... And could defy gravity and take flight at supersonic speeds and even at lightspeeds.

Yet? She felt... Vulnerable... Around a singular guy with space magic and a robotic-alien small partner that could revive him and has a personality... Something definitely wasn't in place and she wasn't sure why.

It was at this point that she couldn't exactly listen in about what Y/N was explaining, the pupils of her eyes could turn into hearts just by looking at him.

Her smile grew just thinking about him, her eyes still on him... Her feelings about him beginning to brew up as she had kept them suppressed at all times, she didn't want to lose him to something like this.

"Hey" Kara was suddenly patted on the back by Cassie, standing beside her. "You good? I've noticed you've been staring at Y/N and not the screen" The blonde Demi-Goddess pointed out, as Kara's eyes widened at the realization.

"Oh! Right, sorry" she apologized, now out of her little daydream about the Guardian...

To which Cassie then smirked about, Supergirl didn't even notice what Cassie said before pointing out the screen Y/N had his Ghost put out with a hologram, pin-pointing the surrounding area of their objective.

"Hmm, you seem to be staring at him a lot when he ain't looking" she began as the Girl of Steel heard her and her cheeks notably began to flash a little tint of red. "Was I right this whole time about you... Having a crush on him?".

"I-I... N-No, of course I... Don't" she lied through her teeth, continuing the same process again... And again for the last few days.

Cassie thought Kara was forgetting about the times where Kara herself would talk about Y/N mostly, making the Titans think that she has a liking for him... It was a surprise she hasn't tried asking him out yet.

If Guardians know what dating is, really...

"Oh c'mon... You do" she cocked a teasing eyebrow up at her best friend. "I know you do, you've been talking about him a lot lately" she continued, Kara's cheeks flushed a bright red as she felt the cracks beginning to show.

Deep down, she wanted to blurt it out so badly, she hadn't felt the feeling of this... Unexplained feeling...

She had already went to her cousin about it... And as much as he was surprised that Kara felt this feeling toward Y/N... He gave her advice about it.

Light of Tomorrow: Destiny x DC Post-Crisis/New Earth Universe - Y/N-VerseWhere stories live. Discover now