Chapter 9: But I'm not cute, I'm sexy

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Estelle's POV

It's Friday the 13th, can you believe it. Only Huxley can have a birthday on such an unfortunate day. He invited me to his game over text. But I'm debating if I should go. I could show up as his friend but I'm not really in the mood for that. Can you believe what he said yesterday? When I asked him about something special happening Tuesday he just shrugged it off. Like, don't play dumb with me, I saw you with Cami. It's a good thing that he made up with her. But why wouldn't he tell me that? Am I not his friend? Maybe I'm overreacting. He has only ever treated me as a friend, he doesn't owe me an explanation. If he's seeing Cami again he'll tell me eventually.

I should get him a gift. If I'm not going to watch his game the least I can do is get him something nice. What would Huxley like? Does Huxley even like things? He likes hockey but what more? Well maybe a good book, since he works in a bookstore. Or would that be too basic? Why is it so difficult to buy a present for a guy (who I may like a little more than a friend).

I'm wandering around the shopping area. Greenwood University is located in Greenwood City, but campus is further from the city centre than the small town, where my bookshop is located. So here I am, in Forest Hill. It's a quaint place. The name doesn't do the place justice, there is no forest near. However, there are parks, trees on every street and flowers in pots placed in front of houses. The population is mostly elderly people, but lots of bakeries, boutiques, coffee shops and restaurants are located here. It's funny how the Greenwood students come here to mingle with the senior population. Lots of old townhouses are here. I see purple, green and blue ones. You'd expect that city hall would be old as well, but it's a brand new  and very tall building. It's sharp edges and cool tones contrast the rest of the town's architecture. Like I said, Forest Hill is odd, but has it's charm. I can imagine myself living here when I'm old. Living out my last days with the person I love, it doesn't sound foreign to me.

I pass by a shop where they sell all kinds of stuff, from kitchen utensils to baby clothing. I walk in to see an old man standing behind the register. He's wearing an emerald green cardigan, with red hearts sowed on the front pockets. He's looking at me through his thick glasses and gives me a polite greeting. I say hello and tell him I'll be looking around. The shop looks old but charming, wooden interior, with baby blue walls, and plants everywhere. I'm hit with the scent of oranges, cinnamon and vanilla, it definitely fits the vibe of the store. I see paintbrushes, pencils and sketchbooks. If I was a creative person I could've painted something for Huxley, but unfortunately I am not. I look further to see mugs with pink pastel coloured hearts on them. Well I'm definitely not buying him that. Then I head over to the back of the shop. I see a section with teddy bears the size of a laptop. They look so cute. I see a hazel coloured teddy bear with big brown eyes. The bear is wearing hockey attire and even has a small stick attached to the right paw. It's adorable. It reminds me of Huxley. He might think he looks tough and mean, but he resembles the teddy bear a lot. I'm not even debating if I should get him this, because I'm definitely buying it. He might pretend to dislike it, but I know deep down he'll like it.

I walk over to the register to pay. The old man smiles at me.

''Nice choice, miss. Are you getting it for a special someone?'' The nice man asks me.

''Just a friend, he turned 22 today.'' I respond.

''Ah young love warms my heart.'' The man says to me. I'm confused. Where did that come from?

''I'm sorry?'' I say giving him a confused look.

''Oh, it's just your face. The smile you gave me when you told me about your friend said enough. Back in my day, I gave my girlfriend a teddy bear like this. We ended up getting married. Ever since I run this shop I've been selling teddy's like this one. I believe it will bring you good luck.'' The man smiles sweetly at me.

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