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Its been about 2 months since I have been here, in this house, with my family.

The family that loves and protects me is my real family.

After the hospital, my family did everything to get me to remember as quickly as possible, and I did.

As always, I faked the cries and all of that while they comforted me.

Anyway, it was a Thursday, and Lor, Alen, and I are in school. In the 4th period. I have math.

Save me. *Does SOS sign*

I hear the bell ring.


I packed my stuff and began to walk out when Mr. Roberts called me.

"Yes?" Everyone has left by now.

He doesn't say anything and starts to walk towards me. I give him a confused look, acting innocent. I can't blow my 'innocent' cover.

He was now in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh, you sweet little thing."

He suddenly pushed me backwards, and I landed on a wall. He came even closer and stared into my soul.

"I wanted to do this since you first came here. You look delicious, baby." Ewwwwwwwwww, I mentally gagged.

Like, bitch, what the fuck?

A married teacher wants to get into his student's pants.

He starts kissing my neck and touching me. I try to push him off, but he does budge.

I act as if I'm struggling to push him off as he takes my hands and puts them above my head.

He starts to kiss me as I try to get out of his hold. In the corner of my eyes, I see someone on the glass window of the door. I start faking tears.

"Please, stop."

"Shut up; I know you like it."


The door slammed open, revealing Alek and Alen. The teacher backs away as I slide down, acting scared.

"You fucking asshole!" Alen shouts as he runs to him and starts beating the shit out of him. While Alek runs to me and hugs me.

I have gotten comfortable with him. The day I gave him my number, we started texting. Everyday.

I sob in his arms as he reassures me. "Why does it always happen to me?" I ask.


I felt so heartbroken, seeing her like this. It was the second time. I swear, if anyone touches her, I will make him suffer. She has my protection now. She will stay by my side every single second.

She is now in Tino's arms; he was rocking her as she cried. The teacher was now half dead and breathing.

I will make her шахта. Soon.


"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I said as I rocked her crying form, also crying.

I failed her more than twice. I failed my twin sister.

Ever since she was taken, I felt this empty space in me. I was heartbroken. She wasn't by my side because I failed her.

When she came back, I felt the space fill up. I miss her so much. She doesn't deserve us if we can't protect her.

I dialed my dad's number on my phone, and Val was back in Alek's arms. I trust him with her.



"Hey, what wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Dad i-its Tina. H-he touched h-her. I wasn't th-there. I couldn't prote-protect her dad. Wh-what am I going to do now?"

"I'm on my way. Stay where you are and call Enzo."

I hang up and call him.

A few minutes later, the door slams open, revealing Enzo ,who was breathing heavily.

He looks at Alek who was still holding a now exhausted and sniffing Tina.

I watch as he runs to her and takes her from Alek. She tiredly hugs him back as he whispers in her ear, probably nothing but sweet things.

A half an hour later, the door slams open again, revealing Dad , Mom , Sandro, Elijah, and Cole. Mom rushed to Tina and hugged her, both crying.

Dad, Sandro, Elijah, Cole, Enzo, Alek, and I were glaring at the now unconscious teacher.

He is fucking died.


We are now in the principal's office with a beaten up Mr. Roberts.

Everyone was glaring at him. Dad and Jerry were talking about him and some stuff. Tina was now sleeping on a couch, her head on mom's lap, as mom ran her hands through her head. She is heartbroken; her only daughter was almost raped twice. We all are.

I look at Alek and see him looking at Tina, with an emotion in his eyes. I nudge Enzo, who was beside me, then look back at Alek. "I think he likes her." I told him.

He nodded, "He does."

"What are we going to do."

"We will talk about this at home."

Just then, Tina starts to stir and wake up. She groans as she pulls her upper half up and puts her legs down. She looks at mom and the rest, she stops at Mr. Roberts, who was looking at her, smirking.

"You're awake now, baby."

The fucking audacity of this bitch. All of us stood up, including Jerry. Tina moves towards Mom as tears fill her eyes. God, I hate seeing her like this.

She hugs mom as Sandro takes his gun out, while Tina isn't looking, and knocks him out.

"Get another one."

As he said, we all left, one of us dragging the unconscious fucker.


Its now dinner time. We had some fun before with that bitch. Tina locked herself in her room. She didn't even come down, I walked to her door and knocked on her door. She didn't answer. I knock again, a little louder this time. Still no answer.

I walk into the room beside her, which was Enzo's, and get on his balcony, jumping to hers. Luckily, the balcony door was open.

I get in and see her fast asleep, her cheeks tear-stained.

I hear her mumbling some words. I walk closer to her and lower my head to hear her better.

"Please stop. I am sorry. Please." She mumbles as she stirs a bit.

I shake her slightly, trying to wake her up. She jolts awake, breathing heavily.

"Hey, its okay. I'm here."

I pull her into my arms. A strange feeling in my heart. Never felt it before. It hurts, like squeezing the life out of my heart. It hurts badly.


Chapter 10 done!

Honestly,I'm proud to get this far with my book will studing for exams and stuff.

I would like to thank everyone who supported me. And a huge thank you to _ilovekdramas.

Luv you, bye. Mwuahhh

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