No Doubt

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Katherine played the violin, completely immersed in the rhythm, her body moving gracefully with the music.

“Wow… this is beautiful,” Esther murmured, watching as Katherine changed her rhythm, playing more passionately, as if pouring her soul into the violin. Closing her eyes, Katherine continued to play, dancing to her own music.

When she finished, she threw the violin on the ground, her eyes betraying the heartbreak she felt.

“I never knew you were good with violins,” Esther said, smiling.

“I played them when I was younger. I can't remember everything, but what I do remember, I played it so well... just like my mother,” Katherine muttered.

“Your mother?!” Esther raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“I didn't fall from the moon, you know? Let me share my family's dilemma with you. My father left my pregnant mother, and after five years, she passed away, leaving just me. Then, I was adopted by my other parents in the Crimson Moon pack, but they adopted me just to be a maid!” Katherine explained. Esther was already in tears.

“What!? You never got to see your father?” Esther covered her mouth.

“Yes, and I can't even remember my mother's face,” Katherine replied, sitting down beside Esther. “Growing up was really difficult for me. People called me names, and when I turned eighteen, working in the pack house, I found out my mate was Alpha Klaus, but he rejected me in public. That night, I lost my virginity to Alpha Luciano.” She gave a sad smile, feeling the pain.

“I should be grateful I'm his mistress, right? I'm just a low omega; I don't deserve something good!” Katherine muttered, and Esther hugged her.

“You're just a child, and you're so hard on yourself!” Esther said, cupping Katherine's cheek. “You shouldn't blame yourself. The moon goddess knows best; that's the reason she chose this life for you!”

“I’m beginning to doubt that she knows why she created me. She left me with no purpose, absolutely nothing!” Katherine half-yelled, exhaling deeply.

“Then create your own purpose, make your life the exact way you want it to be,” Esther advised, kissing her hair. Katherine rested on her shoulder.

“I wish I had my real mother,” she mumbled.

“You can take me as one. I'll be your mother until my last breath. This is a promise to you, Katherine.”

“Thanks, Mum,” Katherine closed her eyes, and Esther tapped her back.


“Alpha!” his beta called, jolting him out of his wild thoughts. Alpha Klaus was lost, staring at the dead bodies in the lake.

He sighed softly and turned to the guards. “Clean up the mess,” he ordered, leaving.

“What do we do? Attack? Our warriors are nothing compared to Alpha Luciano’s!” his beta said, and Alpha Klaus clenched his fist.

“If he wants war, the war he will get! I'm going to the Alpha Council!” He declared, his beta following him.

“Alpha Arthur wants to join you, that's if there would be indeed a war,” his beta added. Alpha Klaus smirked deviously.

"Two against one, Alpha Luciano won't succeed," he smirked deviously.

He entered his car with his beta, and they drove away. Hours passed before they arrived at the Alpha Council.

They both entered, filed a report, and it was presented to the Council. After an extra hour, the Council called them in.

"Alpha Klaus, please go into details," the Alpha Council said, and Alpha Klaus nodded.

"Alpha Luciano attacked my pack, killed twenty male wolves and ten pups! He poisoned my lake and killed more rogue wolves," Alpha Klaus said, and the Council exchanged worried glances.

"This is madness! Anger was evident in their tone.

"He claimed that Crimson Moon pack is his, and over my dead body would he take my pack!" Alpha Klaus said, his voice dripping venom.

"Of course, it would be over your dead body," Alpha Luciano's voice came, and everyone turned back. "Did I come late!?" He smirked and lit his cigarette.

"You disrespect this council, Luciano!"

"You disrespected me first, don't blame me!" He retorted. When he turned to Alpha Klaus, he scoffed.

“Why are you against me taking back what rightfully belongs to me?” He narrowed his eyebrows. “I'm Luciano De Luca, and I would stop at nothing until that pack becomes mine!” He said and left the place.

However, as he entered his car to leave, Alpha Klaus showed up. “Are you really going to do this? Bring war back in this time?”

“Then you surrender, it's much easier!” Alpha Luciano replied, and Alpha Klaus scoffed.

“What on earth makes you think this pack belongs to Silver Fang pack?” He questioned, and Alpha Luciano walked closer to him.

“Even  you know it, the pup which would be born knows that Crimson Moon pack was taken out of Silver Fang!!” he yelled.

“That's in the past, let it slide. Let's become allies!” He stretched out his hands.

“I don't do such things; I work alone.” He entered his car and drove off speedily.

He returned to the pack house, already midnight.

“Where have you been?” Rebecca questioned as he entered the sitting room.

“The Alpha Council,” he responded and sat on the couch.

“I'm pregnant,” Rebecca said, rubbing her stomach.

“I know,” he replied and shut his eyes, moving his head backward.

“Are you not happy? We are having a pup, Luciano!” She said, and he growled angrily.

"Happy? With the looming threat from Alpha Klaus, I can't afford happiness. We're on the brink of war, Rebecca, and our pup will be born into chaos," he sighed, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders.

Rebecca crossed her arms, a fire in her eyes. "And what about us? Are you just going to shut me out? This pup is ours, and you can't keep treating it like a burden!"

Luciano looked at her with frustration. "Rebecca, this is not the time for a domestic argument. We're facing a real threat!"

She scoffed. "Always the Alpha, always the pack! What about us, Luciano? What about our family?"

He stood up, his temper rising. "Our family is at risk because of this feud! I have to protect what's mine."

Rebecca's voice was sharp. "And what if protecting 'what's yours' tears us apart? What kind of future are we bringing our pup into?"

The room fell silent, the tension between them palpable.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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