His Wife

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The Council's messages reached the pack, but Alpha Luciano remained unmoved, refusing to answer their call.

“Are you serious right now?” Rebecca yelled, slamming her hands on the table. Alpha Luciano removed his glasses and growled slightly.

“Becca, I have things to do, and you're not helping,” he said, prompting her to scoff.

“This is no time for nonsense! How can you neglect your duties for a lowly omega?” She shouted. For the first time, Alpha Luciano stood up, pushing the desk to her in a swift move.

“Don't raise your voice at me, Becca!” He glared at her before leaving.

Rebecca exhaled, hitting her hands on her heart. “Madness! He’s gone crazy!” She lamented, leaving the study.

“Luci!” She called, going after him. “Luciano!” She yelled, and he stopped, tucking his hands into his pocket.

“Rebecca, what on earth is it?” He said, turning to face her. His expression suddenly cold, his eyes about to shift to a piercing shade of amber. As he inhaled sharply, his breath escaped in visible tendrils, laced with unsettling energy, revealing the primal rage building within him.

“Do you no longer love me, Luci? That omega is a witch; look at what she has done to you!” Rebecca said, and he shut his eyes, calming himself down. “Luci, you have to come back to me; I love you,” she muttered, tears threatening to fall.

“Becca, please…”

“Divorce her!” She said, and he narrowed his eyes.

“What are you talking about? What Should I do?” He questioned, approaching Rebecca.

“I said you should divorce her; it's either me or her,” she responded.

“I'm not divorcing her!”

Rebecca crossed her arms, frustration evident on her face. "Luci, I can't stand seeing you like this. She's manipulating you with some dark magic or something. We need to break whatever hold she has on you.”

“Maybe you should be the one breaking whatever holds on you!” He said, his tone softening. He turned and left, but as he reached the door, he turned and said, “Don't wait for me tonight; I'm not coming home.” He slammed the door.

“Is something wrong?” Gloria said, coming from behind. “From what I see, that low omega is going to steal your position as Luna and maybe produce the heir to the throne!”

“Shut up!” Rebecca yelled, not wanting to believe such a fairy tale. How could such a downgraded Omega steal everything from her?

“I can help you if that's what you want! Killing her won't be hard; it's just a second job for me,” Gloria whispered into Rebecca’s ear, and she began contemplating it, allowing the evilness in her soul.

“Kill her?” She repeated, and Gloria nodded.

“We have just one aim: for you to regain your position!” She tapped Rebecca’s shoulder, making steady eye contact.

“Do it!” She gave her a swift reply, causing Gloria to smile.

“At your service, Luna!” She left immediately, and Rebecca swallowed her saliva.

Meanwhile, Alpha Luciano and Beta Damien were in the car together. “What do you mean?” He lit his cigarette and Beta Damien cleared his throat

“Well, You're brother Elijah was the one behind it. I sent a few men to investigate the place” He responded, giving him an iPad.

“Very well. Head to the Alpha's council” He looked at the center mirror and the driver nodded, driving away.

During the drive, Alpha Lucinao didn't utter a word, instead he kept thinking about Katherine. Letting her go is a no for him, unless he makes her a mistress. There can't be two Luna in a pack, that has never happened.

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