Few minutes later my phone buzzed. All names and numbers of his employees. Then he sent a last text. 'Say you are my fiancèe. If you don't, it's going to be worse for you and I won't care enough to fix it.'

Ignoring his threat, I scrolled through all the employees until I found the housekeeper.

Hello. I'm Alonzo's fiancèe. I was curious about my belongings but mostly I was concerned about where my computer is. Do you have any idea where it is?

Yes, Alonzo's study. I thought you two could work together.

I stared at his black office door and knowing now I had an excuse to enter I didn't think twice.

Opening his door not even debating my choice I was stunned. A wave of luxury and history splashed right through me. A big chandelier in the ceiling, a desk right at the window, beside both sides of the window two big wooded libraries. The wood flooring was darker, matching the not so vibrant light and atmosphere.

I didn't think Alonzo could have this taste. But it didn't really surprise me much, because it still had that cold feel to it.

Entering deeper into the just discovered space, I started searching for my computer. Taking a seat behind his desk, I started searching his drawers. Thankfully, I found it in the first one. I saw papers, dates under my computer but I didn't take them. I didn't have the need to mix with legal businesses.

Making sure I closed both the opened drawer and the office door on my way out, I sat at the bed again and opened it. Immediately messages from my team came, kills they had done and assuring me it was done.

I trusted each individual in my team. I had taken them from their darkest places, and embraced them with it by helping me and in return I gave them the lifestyle they wanted with the amount of money I gave them. Some of them used to be homeless. Some of them were raped teenage girls that I found and trained, giving them power. Some of them were damaged and bullied boys by society that I gave them the poison of revenge. They had duels, fighting one an other but not to the point of death. I wanted to see how well they could handle fighting with their equals. Some of them did good, calculating what they knew and not letting the other hit them. They self- defended. Some knew how to attack their weakest spots but weren't focused enough on self-defense. These duels helped me identify their weaknesses and their strengths. This past month was a break, because the last one that was held strained them out. Some are older than me. Some are younger. But that was the reason that we were known on the underworld. No one knew how much we were, they only knew that there had happened a death. My team doesn't get information. They don't torture. I haven't taken them from the dark to put them deeper into it. I took care of those.

That's why I am the head. That's how I became one.

Before me, there were separated assassins. Each one its own person. I was my own too. Until every kill was requested to me after my big kill, which made all the others get out of business. Some of them though? I had to handle myself. To make it better, I used a knife. News about me spread. Everyone wondered who I was. I became Clandestine. A hidden face with a known voice. I, of course, needed help. I couldn't be everywhere. I couldn't choose. I wanted all. Or others would slowly take my place. So I created a team. I searched poor neighborhoods, I saw scared souls, I saw those who were determined not to fall. I saw. I talked to them, some even tested.

I saw a poor homeless young girl who had a look in her eyes that reminded me of myself. I took her cup of money and ran in a speed which wasn't that hard to caught up to. It was enough for her to reach up to me, and she did, faster than I thought. She even threatened me. Smiling, I turned and took her hand. I told her I could give her anything she wanted only if she worked for me in return. She smiled back.

Clandestine | 18+Where stories live. Discover now