❁ Tonight- Part Three ❁

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Oneshot-7; Part Three
Words: 2713


"Jinnie? You in here?"

Namjoon softly called out for Seokjin, knowing Seokjin was tired after taking care of Taehyung for the entire day while Namjoon was away searching for fruits and water for them to drink.

Namjoon walked into his and Seokjin's dimly lit room, where fireflies illuminated the space with a soft glow. He was greeted by a sweet scent of Vanilla Almond and Pink Lavender, which filled his nostrils. There, he saw his lover, who was calmly holding their son on his chest. The tiny half-fairy-half-human creature was sound asleep, his father's nipple in his mouth while Seokjin's wings were wrapped around him protectively. Despite Namjoon's presence, neither of them stirred. Seokjin's face was peaceful and content, and Namjoon watched how beautiful Seokjin looked in the dim light, so sweet and innocent. His ethereal existence always managed to drive Namjoon insane and make him fall for the fairy even more.

"My sweet Seokjinnie," Namjoon approached the sleeping figure. He brushed the fluffy chestnut brown hair out of his face. The silvery moon shone in the sky, casting a soft glow on everything below. Shadows danced across the landscape, while the moonlight gave everything an ethereal light. The air was cool and still, and the world seemed to be holding its breath in the magical embrace of the moon. Seokjin's face was glowing beautifully, the moonlight giving his face a soft glow, which made his beauty more striking.

"My sweet, little Moon." As Namjoon lay beside Seokjin, he planted a gentle kiss on his forehead, his soft lips brushing against Seokjin's skin. A small smile crept up on his face as he drew the blanket over their tired bodies and fell asleep. The couple was embraced by their child, and they both felt peaceful and calm in each other's arms.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Seokjin was awakened by the sound of whines and sniffles and he saw their son on Namjoon's bare chest, the baby trying to latch on his father's skin, whimpering, feeling helpless since he was unable to do anything. Seokjin's heart filled with adoration as he chuckled at the amusing scene as he gently took the baby from Namjoon's chest and placed him on his chest.

Jin arranged the pillow and picked up his son, who started to whimper. "Daddy is a dry well, silly!" he said, placing the baby on the pillow. The crying grew louder. "Hold on, baby," Jin had overcome his shyness about breastfeeding in front of Namjoon and stopped covering himself and the baby with a blanket as much as before. Besides, Namjoon was sleeping. Feeding Taehyung didn't hurt as much as it used to, but they would have to start feeding him solid food from a bowl if he had to leave him with his father.

Seokjin rubbed Taehyung's chubby cheeks with his thumb pads as the baby eventually fell asleep. His lips and cherubic cheeks were sticking with milk, and Seokjin immediately broke into quiet 'aww's so as not to wake him up, smiling in complete adoration.

Seokjin cleaned the baby, gently placing him with the utmost care on the bed beside Namjoon, surrounding him with pillows, and tucking him in, the baby's little head being covered in a baby blue cloak Seokjin had made himself with so much enthusiasm before Taehyung was born.

Seokjin got out of bed, drawing the covers over Namjoon and Taehyung before he made his way to the washroom, getting ready for the day ahead.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

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