❁ Tonight- Part One ❁

Start from the beginning

"Are you a human?"  

Namjoon swore to God, that he could have died when he heard his sweet, honeyed voice.

"I-I am," Namjoon mumbled, mentally cursing himself for stuttering. 

He smiled sweetly, and Namjoon felt his heart fluttering as if it would burst out of his chest. His gaze was fixed upon Namjoon's eyes. "I have never seen a human before," he said, moving closer to Namjoon as he touched his face. 

Soft, was the first thing that came to Namjoon's mind as the tiny fairy touched his face.

"Are you lost, human?"

"I am," Namjoon slurred his words, entranced by the large, brown doe eyes that held a galaxy of affection and adoration.

"Would you like to stay with me, for tonight?" 

Namjoon was taken aback as his eyes widened in shock. "But I don't know you," he said. The fairy slowly withdrew his hands from the human's face, and both felt the sudden chill of separation.

"Pardon me. I'm Kim Seokjin, and you can call me Jin," the fairy replied with a sweet smile, "What is your name, human?" 

"I am Kim Namjoon, a merchant from Indigo. Our ship capsized during a huge storm, and I have been separated from my crew," Namjoon attempted to keep his stoic expression, but failed miserably as his cheeks turned red at the sight of the cute creature flitting around him.

"Okay, so now that we've introduced ourselves, would you mind staying with me, Joonie?"


He called me, Joonie?

"I guess so-" 

"Good! Then come with me!" Seokjin pulled the human by his hands and led him into the cottage.

This might be fun.


"Joonie! Look at these pretty flowers!" Seokjin was overjoyed at the sight of the beautiful orchids blooming in his small garden.

Namjoon stared dreamily at Seokjin, "These flowers are nice, Jinnie. But nothing compares to your beauty," causing the latter to blush.

"Stop~" Seokjin whined shyly, hitting Namjoon's arm lightly before skipping off inside the cottage.

A few weeks had passed since the Namjoon's arrival at the Epiphany Island. Namjoon has been living with Seokjin, and one tonight has turned into many nights


"You don't need to do anything, Namjoon. It's fine. Really." The merchant was getting ready to gather some food for Seokjin and himself, to thank the fairy for allowing him to stay in his small yet beautiful cottage. 

"No Seokjin. You have offered me shelter and food when you could have easily driven me away. I want to pay you back every way I can." Namjoon imploringly replied. "But you don't even know anything about here! Many dangers are lurking around here and there, and I can't risk anything." Seokjin turned to him with a cute pout, cheeks puffing out and making him look like a baby hamster. 

"I will be back soon, I promise," Namjoon held both of Seokjin's hands in his, and kissed its knuckles. "I will be back before you know it." Namjoon flashed with dimples, and waved Seokjin, wandering off into the forest. Namjoon walked through the dew-soaked grass behind his cottage until he reached the creek he had discovered the day before. He lay down on his stomach in the pebbles and scooped water up in his hands to quench his thirst. After drinking his fill, he stood up and brushed the pebbles off his now-dry shirt and shorts. As he looked around him, he saw a snake in the water, a water moccasin. Namjoon knew the danger of getting on the bad side of these snakes. He took a step back, hoping the snake wouldn't notice, remembering the stories of their deadly bites. But it did, and it looked directly at him. Namjoon leaped to the side, and the snake missed him by millimeters. The snake prepared to strike again as Namjoon lay on the ground, motionless. He heard a hiss as the snake lunged, but then it sounded farther away. Namjoon opened his eyes in time to see Seokjin smash the snake's skull with a rock as it bit his other arm. Namjoon rushed to Seokjin's side, and instead of falling over dead, Seokjin pulled the dead snake's head from his bloody arm and hugged Namjoon. "I thought that was a moccasin?" he said, confused but relieved. "I was wrong. You would already be dead by now." "That's a kind of snake I like to call a phony," Seokjin said wincing as Namjoon wrapped a torn piece of his shirt around his bite, "Because it looks like a moccasin, and its bites still hurt like heck, but it isn't deadly." "Good," Namjoon said, relieved.

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