15) Unveil The Reversal Technique and One Secret

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-Dream of a memory-

We meet Kuro at his high school back home located in Lynn Town, Kuro just finished his lesson of English before lunch time, they were finishing up revision since the final exams were coming up next year in 2023. A one of Dusk's friend came up to him inviting him to go to the gym with Dusk

 A one of Dusk's friend came up to him inviting him to go to the gym with Dusk

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...: "Yo! Kuro"

Kuro looks up finishing packing up his bags: "Oh, hey Rocky"

Rocky: Wanna hit the gym with your big bro? I mean, you look very good in shape, let's enhance that, come on afterschool 

Kuro: I don't know man, with all the stress of GCSEs coming up-

Rocky: Nonsense you already doing great. Woah you look really stressed, don't tell me it's actually that important well kinda, but you know what I mean.

Kuro: I'll think about it

Rocky: Come on, you know you can look better for your las~

Kuro: I guess, but she says I'm fine and she doesn't want me too big, she said something like a dad bod of some sort.

Rocky: Fair enough, but you need to drink a lot of alcohol to get that bod but I doubt you'd want that, come one let's grab lunch and meet up with the rest.

Kuro: Ok

They both went downstairs to the courtyard where the shack of delicious treats are there to buy, Kuro bought a nice pepperoni and cheese panini, Rocky bought a sausage roll.

Rocky: Bruv, they always make the sausage rolls so floppy sometimes.

Kuro: Then go complain to them

Rocky: Nah, they still taste good *chomp*. 

Rocky scarfs down the sausage roll

Dusk: Yo! Kuro! Rocky! Over here. *waves*

They come over to Dusk, Roxanne and Yoru and they all sit by the benches by the corner of the courtyard

Dusk: I'm guessing that Rocky invited you to come with us to town and maybe start planning our next show later.

Kuro: To town? I was told to go gym with him

Dusk *to Rocky*: Mate that's tomorrow, but you will come right lil' bro?

Roxanne lays on Dusk's shoulder eating her sandwich, Dusk wraps his arms around her.

Rocky: He said he'll think about it

Dusk: We also have to up our gain before we go back to Japan next year

Kuro: To train our powers?

Dusk: *sighs*Yes...but...no, Daidem called, he wants us to start thinking about going to compete in the summer Ookami Show-off.

Kuro Ookami : Project Ookami Origins X Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now