10) Memories and Pacts

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*Memory in dream*

Kuro Ao(BLUE): Hey Aka!

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Kuro Ao(BLUE): Hey Aka!

Kuro Aka (Aka): Yo Ao!

Kuro(aka) in his mind: Coincidentally, our names were both Kuro, so we started to add Aka(RED), me and Ao(Blue) to the other Kuro, my bestie since the start of going to the energy school my family set up a few years ago to study energy. I didn't really attend a lot of my normal high school in 2022, my final exams were coming up but I seem to know a lot still.

KuroAo runs towards Aka catching up with him

KuroAka: Quite odd showing up to the same place I'm training in, shouldn't you be with the Lycan group?

KuroAo: It's the summer holidays silly

KuroAka: Huh, wait, already!? I really need to sleep better.

KuroAo: Haha yeah. Well I learnt something from that group.

KuroAo use his lycan energy to create ice elements.

KuroAka: Yeah I see that.

KuroAo: Wait. *uses his lycan energy to use lightning as well* boom!

KuroAka: Woah!! you can use two elemental powers? That's...quite an achievement. I'm proud of you

KuroAo: Thanks, it took a while *smiles*

KuroAka: Wish I can harness more than one energy type.

KuroAo: Isn't that quite a challenge, not many beings can use more than energy type but It is possible.

KuroAka: Yeah that's true, I mean I am a hybrid being, yet my Ookami energy still needs work, my Lycan energy is somewhat working but for my hellhound gene's powers, I don't know... I can't seem to use it, Dusk somehow manages to do it... man idk.

Kuro Ao looks at Kuro Aka with a slight concern.

KuroAo: Come on, let's sit down for a bit and chat for a while.

they sit on a nearby bench

KuroAka: How do you do it


"How can you harness 2 abilities as the same time?"

KuroAo: It's hard to explain but, harnessing two elemental abilities or energy types is like trying to learn more than one instrument I mean you can do that, you play the guitar sometimes and sing.

KuroAka: Singing is an instrument?

KuroAo: Just for this example. If you build experience on more than one ability when it comes to diverse energy like Lycan energy you can do a lot to help others, I'd bet on that. But just a reminder, Harnessing 2 elemental abilities is not the same as harnessing 2 energy types, it's obviously a lot more harder than that

Kuro Ookami : Project Ookami Origins X Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now