6. Similar Species

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Millie comes over to Moxxie who looked like a flat pancake like the ones in a cartoon and picks him up.

Millie: You alright honey?

Moxxie: I'll be fine, ugh.

Millie puts him down on his tiny imp legs.

Moxxie: Thanks Millie

Millie: Anytime~, wait what was Stolas saying to you when he left Kuro?

Kuro: Oh, just some moral stuff I guess.

Millie: Right, about a cube?

Kuro: Yeah something about that.

Millie: Sure.

Kuro saw her gaze as if she didn't believe him

Kuro: Trust me, it's way harder for you to understand.

Millie: why's that, sounds like you don't trust us hmm?

Kuro: I-it's not that I don't trust you, it's...complicated.

Mille: Well, why didn't you say that in the first place?

Kuro: Hehe.

Blitz clears his throat.

Blitzo: Anyways, we got our book and I'm already feeling clients coming in. *phone rings*, Hellooo I'm Blitz and the O is silent how can I help you today..blah blah.


Kuro: So, Loona was it?

Loona: Uh yeah huh, I'm Loona.

Kuro: *acknowledges* To be honest, that's a really cool name.

Loona: Oh, well *clears throat* I guess it is.

Kuro looks at Loona who is just fiddling with her phone.

Kuro (in his mind): she seems to be a nice girl and quite mature, but... I'm not too sure if she's always like this.

Kuro to audience: By the way, we Ookamis know how to sense feelings just from scent we don't even have to sniff up close, our noses are the most powerful than any canine existed.

Back to audience

Kuro: It's kinda cool meeting someone who is quite similar to me, species-wise.

Loona: Oh there are many more hellhounds than what you think not just me. What is it like back at your home?

Kuro: Very lively actually, my home is full of species, the Ookami Clan managed to allow humans and animals to co-exist.

Loona: Wow, that's pretty cool, are there any other hellhounds in your home?

Kuro: Nope, I'm the only one.


Kuro: Yeah, pretty wild huh.

Loona: Must've been pretty hard to be the only one

Kuro: Oh yeah...yeah *looks at his hand*

Loona looks at the scar on Kuro's hand but doesn't want to question it.

Kuro: I can tell you about what happened.

Loona (suprised): Oh umm, i-it's fine, I just didn't want to like...you know....

Kuro: No no, it's fine I can talk about it if you want

Loona: You sure?

Kuro: Just to keep it short, this scar was what happened when-

Blitzo barges in: Okay!!! We now have a client waiting for us to kill a target.

Kuro: Are they here?

Blitzo: In a moment, but I thought we'd use this time to introduce each other properly. *Pats Kuro on the back* So you obviously know me Blitz with the silent 'o', and this is m&m, Millie and Moxxie and my sweet little daughter Loonie, *cups Loona's cheeks* you are just the sweetest.

Kuro Ookami : Project Ookami Origins X Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now