3. Cafe Fued

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Kuro: *looks back to the imp* Huh? H-how do you know me?

Blitzø *walking towards the front*: We'll talk on the tables.

Kuro: Um...okay.

Blitzø: Waiter! I'll buy what Kuro wanted and it's just for him. He's with me after all*wink*. Get me the classic also please!!

Kuro: Right *winks back*

They both get their order and sat down by the seats on near the window. Both of them munched down on their orders.

Kuro: ok, ok, first of all cheers for saving my arse back there and second who are you and third how do you know me?

Blitzø: Glad you asked my canine rockstar, I'm Blitzø the O is silent now and I heard a lot about you from your popularity from music and from my daughter, she likes your music.

Kuro: an O?

Blitzø: Exactly.

Kuro: But how do you guys even manage to get my music here, I'm-

Blitzø: -not from here?

Kuro looks surprised and almost shocked from what he heard.

Kuro: Y-yeah, how do you know?

Blitzø: *tells Kuro to come closer* I've heard that your also not from here  and I don't think the other Higher rank demons know also. We should better keep it a secret whilst we're ahead.

Kuro: why's that?

Blitzø: the thing is the upper rank demons don't like entities from other dimensions it ruins the order, don't ask me how I know.

Kuro: Right, will I ever meet 'that' person who even told you about 'the order'?

Blitzø: *continues to whisper* I said don't ask, you'll get us blown off, in both ways.

Kuro: What?!?

Kuro looked pretty disgusted towards Blitzø and pretty concerned for what is about to happened next, just hearing the info given from Blitz made him think about these upper rank demons hating on inter-dimensional travelling. Kuro was left confused and stared into his half eaten panini.

Kuro started to feel a little tingle as if he had some sort of bad feeling that was a warning.

Blitzø: Kuro? Are you ok?

Kuro looked around the cafe

Kuro: Y-yeah I'm fine. So what's gonna happen next now that we've met?

Blitzø: We'll I was wondering, since you'll be stuck here for a while, if you'd like to-

Just as he was about to finish his sentence , 3 imps busted the Entrance door down and held guns and knives out.

Scarlet: OH BLITZZZOOOO!! Where are you???

Blitzø *hides away* Oh shit!

Kuro: who are they do you know them?

Blitzø: w-well I kinda did a bet and won quite a lot.

Kuro kept an eye on the imps

Kuro: and how did you win?

Blitzø: ermmm...I..cheated

Kuro looked at Blitzø with disappointment

Kuro: That's a very risky move to win, stay by me I'll keep you hidden.

Blitzø: you think you can take them on?

Kuro: I'd hope so

Blitzø: what do you mean you 'hope so'?

Kuro Ookami : Project Ookami Origins X Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now