Chapter 10

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Trigger Warning: Brief use of homophobic slur

Jay's POV

I was sitting and waiting in the guidance counselor's waiting room.

I wasn't in there because I was in trouble, it was because of the dumbass meeting I had to have with the guidance counselor every two weeks.

It was definitely annoying that I had to be in here. These meetings are boring as fuck, watching paint dry is better than this.

Hell, being burnt at the stakes for supposed witchcraft during the Salem witch trials would be more fun than this. At least if you were a witch, you could curse everyone to an eternal suffering in hell as you're burning alive.

"I'm ready for our meeting." The guidance counselor Mr. Sanchez said to me as he walked into his small waiting room.

Mr. Sanchez is the only faculty member at school who I actually like. He's the only one who actually has my back.

He looks like he's roughly in his early forties, his skin is a slight tan-ish color, his short hair is a dark brown and pushed back, he has a beard that was graying at the end. His eyes are pale brown. He is rather tall, at least 6 foot or a bit taller than that.

His room was full of those stupid ass inspirational posters all guidance offices have. There was a masters degree in child psychology on the wall behind him. His desk was mostly pretty standard guidance counselor stuff, one of those 365 day calendars, a simple clock, papers in a tidy tray. The only actually interesting things he had on his desk were a few small little figures of a few Pokémon.

"So how has school been going for you?" He asked me when I sat down.

"Fine." I shrugged. "I had ISS last week, but you know that already." I said with disinterest.

"That's what we need to talk about." His tone had a bit of urgency to it.

"What is it?" I asked. I wanted the meeting to be over with. The sooner the better.

"The school is threatening to expel you." Mr. Sanchez informed me.

My eyes grew wide at what he said.

"Again!" I sprung up from my chair with disbelief.

He nodded. "Yes."

"But why?!" I couldn't catch a fucking break from this fucked up school. "I'm seeing a therapist and having these meetings with you as the school wanted me to! Isn't that enough!?!"

This day was already crappy enough, this morning my dad and I both were cursing each other out until I left for school. What was the fight about? It was that he yet again is upset that I got detention last week.

Now I get this piece of terrible news.

"The school is very unhappy with the fact that you got into two fights within the first month of school, and your permanent record is littered with reports of behavioral issues and fights."

"All this combined gives the school many reasons as to why they are more than comfortable with expelling you." He explained.

"But they're not going to. Right?" I asked nervously.

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