Chapter 3

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Jay's POV

It was Thursday morning. I was woken up by my extremely loud phone alarm. I seriously needed to turn it down the volume. I threw on a dark gray shirt, ripped jeans, a black windbreaker and high top vans. I then put on a black snapback hat. I might've been late summer, but there was a cool breeze in the air.

My dad glanced at me as I made myself a bowl of cereal.

"Still in trouble at school?" He asked me.

"Yeah, it's whatever. It's just ISS and detention." I shrugged.

He took a sip of his coffee, then put it down. "It's only the second week of school and you already got both ISS and detention in the same week. I'm kinda sick of you always landing in trouble at school." He had a disappointed look across his face.

"Yeah. So what." I spat, getting defensive. "The guy got what was coming."

"You always use that excuse." He recalled.

My dad was always going on about how I can't keep myself out of trouble. He's always on my case about how I need to "do better" and I should "focus my energy on my schoolwork not fighting the first person who looks at me the wrong way".

I don't talk to my dad too often, but it's not like I mind. He's always scolding me about getting in trouble. I'd then yell at him to shut up, even if he wasn't scolding  me, I still ignored him. We might've lived in the same house but it sure didn't look like it.

I couldn't help that people always start shit with me, and anyways what's getting few fights in high school really gonna equal to in the long run? Nothing. That's what it'd equal to.

I finished my cereal as fast as I could and headed for the door. I wanted to be away from him as fast as humanly possible.

"Need I ride?" My dad asked me with an unenthusiastic voice.

I scoffed. "Not from you." I yelled as I walked out the door.

I wasn't about to accept a ride to school from him. All he'd do on the ride there would be reprimand me about me getting detention. He's the only parent I had, my mom died when I was eleven, so it's just been me and my dad for about five or so years.

I usually walked to school. Today being no exception. As I walked my best friend, John caught up with me.

"ISS sucked I bet." He said as he ran his fingers through his slightly long brown hair.

"Yeah. Totally."

I didn't need to tell him any further details. I've known John since middle school. Around that time, most of my friends left me so I started hanging with him.

As we talked, we walked on a gravelly trail. It was the shortest way to school but the road was shitty and in need of being fixed.

"So, our friends and I are heading to a party after school tomorrow. You're gonna be there right?" He asked.

"Nah. Can't. Grounded." I lied. I really didn't want to go to a party. Most times I tag alone but this time I really didn't care to go.

They were his friends, not really mine. I've only ever talked to them at parties. I didn't even like they, they were assholes.

"Seriously." He huffed. "I doubt you're grounded. Just go. It'll be fun. Anyways free booze."

He really thought free beer would entice me. I couldn't stand the taste of alcohol, so the idea of booze always deterred me from parties. Also alcohol inhibits judgment and you can lose the ability to be in control, when drunk. Then on top of all of that, there's tons of other people drinking and getting drunk as well, you don't have control over that either. Drunk teens acted so stupid, it's an epidemic of stupidity. Those situations just freaked me out.

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