Chapter 7

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Jay's POV

I was eating lunch and talking to John in the cafeteria. He was yet again trying to convince me to go to a party with him tonight. I once again told him no, many, many times. He was annoying the fuck out of me. I wanted to strangle him just to get him to shut up. Luckily I barely resisted the urge to.

"Look." I told John. "Nothing you can say will make me come to the party. Now stop." I urged, refusing to keep listening to him.

"You're missing out man." He responded with frustration.

I rolled my eyes as far back into my head as I could. "Whatever." I didn't care.

I went back to eating my sandwich. It was a savory turkey and salami sandwich I quickly put together this morning, the sandwich was perfect, didn't know how I managed to do that.

John slapped my shoulder to get my attention. "What do you want." I harshly asked as I put down my sandwich.

I just wanted to enjoy my perfect sandwich in peace, is that too much to ask for? Guess it was if John was going to harass me.

"Your fan club wants you." He pointed to Justin who was right behind us. "Don't worry, I told him to get lost."

"He's not my fan club. Leave him alone." I angrily told him as I walked away and towards Justin.

I approached Justin, he seemed slight upset over something. I could tell by his face.

"I was just leaving, and staying away, just as your friend told me yesterday." Justin said scurrying away from me.

I lightly sighed, of course John would tell Justin to leave me alone. He definitely didn't like Justin at all. "Don't listen to him. He's naturally an asshole." I pointed out.

Justin started fidgeting with the zipper to his jacket. "You must hate me after yesterday. That probably why you left so quickly yesterday."

"I don't hate you." I grumbled. "I just had things to do." The thing being that I wanted to be alone.

Justin's face lit up." Oh, I'm so relieved, I thought you hated me." He hummed.

I shot him an angry scowl. "It's kinda fucked up that you think that."

"It's not that hard to believe actually. Sometimes you're nice to me, other times you're abrasive." He bluntly told me.

I didn't need him to lecture me at all.

"I think you'd have more than one friend if you didn't instantly hate everyone who glances at you." Justin continued. "You're always angry, what gives?"

He was seriously annoying me at this point. Justin looked like he was ready to list off everything he thought I could improve on myself. But I wasn't going to let him even attempt to start.

"Leave me alone." I stormed off.

After that I grabbed my stuff, texted Craig and met him at my car. We spent the rest of lunch period in my car with just talking the whole time.


Justin's POV

"Ah yes the mall, where overpriced hand soaps live." I joked with Alex and Amanda as we walked in.

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