Chapter 5

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Jay's POV

I felt like I was in hell. Almost all of my boyfriend's friends hated me. I don't really care that they do, but Craig does. He wants us all to hangout and be all nice to each other, but they hate me. All for separate reasons. At least John was no longer pissed at me, we were back on speaking terms so that's a plus.

I was in the halls, on my way to skip class as I had a free period. I never get caught. Just have to be sneaky and be back by the end of free period.

I was going to sneak out when Gavin approached me, grabbed me by my shirt and shoved me against the lockers.

"THE FUCK IS YOUR DAMAGE DUDE?" I was caught extremely off guard.

"I think you know..." He scoffed.

"Yeah. You're still being petty after all this time. Oh how things don't change." I laughed.

He shoved me again, this time with more force.

"I'm not messing around. I can't make you stop dating Craig, but leave everyone else, especially Justin, ALONE!! You understand me." He ordered.

"I seriously don't get why you still hate me after all this time. Get over it."

He looked at me stunned. "Get over it. Are you fuckin' kidding? You, kept, as your dirty little secret, then you break up with me over the phone. I LOVED you!!! And after all this time, you think I wouldn't still be the slightest mad at you for it."

"It was a year and a half ago." I cunningly laughed. "And you're still not over me."

"I'm over you, but I'm not over what you did to me." He lashed.

I could hear the mix of upset and anger in his voice.

"Bummer then. That's on you." I smirked.

Gavin was now holding back tears, his voice was strained, "Did you ever even love me? Or was I just your rebound? Because I...I loved you."

I stood there silently not saying anything. He wanted me to say something, anything. There was a small glimpse of hope in his eyes, he wanted an apology, a sorry, an acknowledgment of what I did to him. But I stood saying nothing.

He finally let go of me after he realized that I wasn't going to apologize or make amends and backed away slightly.

"I thought didn't changed...and never will..." He grumbled as he walked away from me


Freshman year, It was the last few days of winter break. I was home alone.

From Gavin: I'm at your house, let me in...

I read the text message and quickly went down the steps and let him in.

Gavin greeted me with a hug and kissed me.

"I missed you babe." He blushed as I pulled away from the kiss.

"I wish you would've called before hand."

He looked at me with excitement, "I know I should of, but I got back a day early and I really wanted to see you."

I noticed a bag in his hands. "What's that in your hands." I slyly teased.

"Oh." He laughed, "It's for you. Merry late Christmas."

I opened the bag, it was a white snapback hat with a black diamond on the front of it.

His face let out a small smile, " is it?"

I looked at the hat in my hands. It was thoughtful, I didn't expect him to get me a gift as we had only been dating for a brief two and a half months.

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