Chapter 4

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Trigger Warning: Brief use of homophobic slur

Jay's POV

I was at my locker. I forgot my hat as I ran out of the house this morning. I always have a backup hat in my locker for when it happens. I almost always wear a backwards snapback hat. In my hands was a white hat with a black diamond on it. I looked in the mirror I had in my locker and put on and adjusted the hat.

In the mirror I saw Justin looking at me, "What do you want?" I slammed my locker shut.

"Umm, I.. I just wanted to apologize for Friday. I'm sorry I upset you by calling you Jacob instead of Jay. I get it if you hate me." He said as he ran his fingers through his short dark brown hair. He seemed a bit nervous, as he said this. He must of felt bad about it.

He had on pale turquoise shirt, dark, almost black jeans. He had on black slightly thick rimed glasses that stood out against his pale complexion. His striking brown eyes were hidden behind his glasses.

I was leaned up against my locker and let out an annoyed sigh, "I don't hate you, I'm not that cruel. I just hate what you called me. I prefer you not to call me Jacob."

"I understand Jay. Nice hat by the way!" He waved goodbye as he walked away.

I banged my head against my locker, I wanted a meteor to crash down and hit me. Justin obviously wanted to be my friend. A part of me wanted to try and become friends, the other didn't. But why, well because Justin is a good guy, way too good, especially to be my friend.

I'm know around school as the resident school troublemaker, other call me a "bad boy". I know, I sound like a cliche. At this point, I don't care anymore about the reputation I have around school. People stay away from me because of it, but I don't really have a problem with that.

But what I do care about is I don't want people to start associating Justin with me. If he starts to constantly hang around me, people are going to start treating him how they treat me. He's too good to have my association, bring down how people see him. I want him to stay away from me.

Yet, I couldn't avoid him no matter what. We have too many classes together for that to be a possibility and he's best friends with my boyfriend. The only way I could possibly avoid him was to flee the country, and change my name, but that's not possible and would take too long.

At lunch I sat at a table outside, alone. John then approached me.

John sat across from me and scowled at me, "Hey asshole, have you been avoiding me?"

"Maybe I have been, maybe not. What's it matter to you?" I shrugged.

I totally was avoiding him. I needed a few days to not deal with him and the bullshit he loved to start.

"Friday. I simply asked you for a ride. You acted like I asked for your lung. Then you block my number the whole weekend. Seriously man?" He complained.

I wanted to punch the ever living shit out of him. He's acting like I'm evil, all because I didn't pick him up from the party.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, and so what. At least you got back home ok. Who ended up getting you?"

"Sarah and her bitchy older sister. She's even more intolerable when you're drunk. But you don't care, I know it." He huffed.

"You always claim I don't care. What do you think, I'm an emotionless cruel person?" I said with a gruff tone.

"Well you could fool me." He said as got up and walked away.

My life is pure drama. I don't even know how it happened. John was still being petty over what happened this weekend, but I know it'll probably blow over later in the week and we'll be on speaking terms again. It should at least.

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