Chapter 6

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Justin's POV

It was raining outside at the end of the school day. Both of my dads were working late today so it looked like I had to walk home in the rain, I really didn't want to but at least I had an umbrella.

When I walked out once school was over, I realized it was colder than I expected due to the wind. It was unseasonably colder than expected, not by much but still noticeable.

I opened up my umbrella and began to make my way home, then I saw Jacob as he passed by me. He turned in my direction and looked at me.

"Justin, need a ride?" He asked me.

I was shocked, why was he asking me if I needed a ride. Was he on drugs? Was he body snatched by aliens? Just earlier today, he wanted nothing to do with me, now he offered me a ride home.

I looked at him perplexed. "Me, a ride? Why are you being so nice to me?" I cautiously asked him.

He put up the hood of his jacket. "My boyfriend would kill me if I let you walk home in the cold and rain." He paused as I continued to look at him, just trying to comprehend the offer. "So you gonna take my offer?" He impatiently asked.

I quickly realized that he was actually being polite for once and I accepted the ride.

"Ok." I told him.

I followed him to the student parking lot. We quickly stopped at a white Honda that seemed to be probably ten plus years old. He unlocked the car door and we got in.

I looked around the car. It was small but very clean and smelled like pineapple thanks to the air freshener he had dangling from the rear view mirror.

Once we got in Jacob tossed his backpack into the backseat of his car and started pulling out of the parking lot.

I was a bit caught off guard when he asked me if I needed a ride. Didn't know why. Could be cause he was being unusually nice. Yet it felt so different to have him be nice to me. Unexpected to be completely honest.

"So where am I going? I need your address." He bluntly asked.

"Tracklake Street. Know where that is?" I nervously respond. I felt a bit bad that he was driving me home. I didn't mind walking.

"Yeah. It's on the other side of the neighborhood I live in." He muttered.

This peaked my curiosity. "Wait, where do you live?"

"Oak Drive." He replied.

"That's like a several minute walk from where I live. You must live at the other entrance of the neighborhood. But I've never seen you in the neighborhood. Wonder why?"

"The neighborhood is pretty big, that's why." He said as we got further way from the school.

I was trying to recall if I ever had seen him around the neighborhood. No, nothing. To be completely honest, I don't even think I've been to the other side of the neighborhood more than once or twice, and no time within the past few years. 

The neighborhood I lived in is pretty big. Many houses, it's a housing development. Very big, the houses in it aren't extravagant, they're plain and simple. Not expensive. It's stock, standard middle class suburbia. 

Jacob pulled into the convince store near our school and parked at a gas pump. He got out and walked to the fuel up his car.

I got out and decided to enter the store to get some to drink. The store was clean, a bit on the bigger side due to how many students would come here after school. I went straight towards the drink fridge and go to grab a drink. As I reach to grab a soda, I see a guy who looked vaguely familiar, stare me down. It was Jacob's friend, I think his name was John. He had slightly long brown hair, pale skin and a tattoo on his left forearm.

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