Meeting of Rooms 4 & 6

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*The residents of room 4 are in the kitchen, Soma making them some snacks*

Soma: *Turns to the others* Hey guys, any Requests? *Luchia shrugs*

Luchia: Anything really!

Yukimura: Surprise me!

Freyja (Embarrassed): Uuuuuuuh, I like apples? *The other 3 laugh. Soma begins cooking, as Freyja sang quietly*
tatoeba togireta sora ga mieta nara-
furueru, boku no koe ga kikoeru no nara...
Bara bara ni kudakeru hodo maiagare!
hikisakareta kioku no hate naki Tsubasa! *The other 3 look over at her in shock* (Embarrassed) Gori-Gori! S-Sorry guys! I just got lost in in thought and just started singing and...

Yukimura: it's fine Freyja! I've just never heard that song before. Can you sing it again?

Freyja (excited): S-Sure! *She closes her eyes and sings again*
tatoeba togireta sora ga mieta nara-
furueru, boku no koe ga kikoeru no nara...
Bara bara ni kudakeru hodo maiagare!
hikisakareta kioku no hate naki Tsubasa! *Everyone in the kitchen swayed along to Freyja's song*
ano hi, katariatta koto-
itsumo, waraiaeta koto-
yomigaeru hi made, tachiagaru dake!

Luchia (Amazed): Woah, where did you learn that song?

Freyja: From my idol unit.

Soma: I've got an idea, Luchia, can you sing that song from before? *Nanami smiles before singing as well*

Luchia: sure!
Nanairo no kaze ni fukarete...
tooi, misaki wo mezashiteta....
Yoake mae, kikoeta MERODII...
Sore wa, totemo, natsukashii uta!

Yukimura (Excited): Oh my god I remember this!
Higashi no—sora he to, habataku toritachi!
Saa, takarajima ni nukeru....chikamichi! *Soma joins in at the chorus*

Soma, Yukimura and Luchia:
Nanatsu no umi no rakuen...
Arashi no yoru no ato ni wa!
ai wo tsutaeru tame, inochi ga mata umareru!
Nanatsu no kuni no MERODIA...
Daremo ga itsuka wa koko wo...
tabidatsu hi ga kitemo-

Luchia: Watashi wa, wasurenai! *Freyja clapped her hands in excitement, when footsteps can be heard, dashing to the kitchen. All of a sudden, China appears in the doorway*

Chika (Excited): I HEARD SOMEONE SINGING?!?!??!? *the four jump back in surprise. Yugi, Yami, Emma and Mitsuki then walk into the kitchen after*

Mitsuki (jokingly): Chika legit said, "HEEEEREE'S JHONNY!" *The fear washes away, everyone starting to laugh due to Mitsuki's joke*

Yami (Laughing): Not a Shining Reference!!!! *The laughter dies down as Chika speaks again, this time calmer.*

Chika: Anyways, we heard singing and we had to come and check it out!

Freyja (embarrassed): actually, that was us. Hi, I'm Freyja Wion. And these are my roommates *She gestures to them* that's Nanami Luchia

Luchia: Nice to meet you all!

Freyja: The one cooking right now is Soma Yukihira. *Soma hums in acknowledgement, not taking his eyes off of the food. Mitsuki walks over, and taste tests it [NO, there will not be any of the antics of food wars when they're eating the food in this book, that is too awkward for me to write!]*

Mitsuki (Amazed): Wow, this is really good! One of my friends, Sogo, makes all of his cooking extremely spicy! Even things that don't need to be *Yukihira cringes*

Soma (Cringing): Just.....Why? Not everything needs to almost burn people's tongues off! *Yugi was looking at his deck, when Yukimura sees it*

Yukimura (Curious): What game is that? I've never seen it before. *Moto looks up, and sees the champion looking at his cards*

Freyja: Oh, that's just Yukimura! He's nice.

Yugi: Oh, hi. I'm Yugi Moto. Wait, you've never played Duel Monsters? *He shakes his head*

Yukimura: Nah, I play a game called Battle Spirits. Believe it or not, I'm actually the Champion! *Yugi and Yami look at the other in shock, he's another Champion?!*

Soma (Laughing): Yeah, it was weird when we found out. *Rekka glares at him*

Yukimura (Sour): Yeah, and whose fault was that pray tell? *Yami walks over*

Yami: Yugi and I, Yami, are also champions. The champions of Duel monsters, given the title King of Games.

Yugi: it often switches between us, we sometimes duel for the title. Those are our Roommates, the one that Ran in here was Chika, The other orange haired girl is Emma and the boy that commented on Soma's cooking is Mitsuki.

Luchia (Realizing): 3 of you have orange hair, and then there's Yugi and Yami. *The people of Room 6 actually realize that now, and look at one another. As that whole situation happened, they heard the voice from before*

???: All residents of the manor, report to the welcome hall, please and thank you! Once again, All residents of the manor, report to the welcome hall, please and thank you! *Everyone looks at one another*

Freyja: The welcome Hall?

Mistuki (Thinking): if I had to guess, The hall we were in with the other people in the manor.

Yukimura, Yami and Yugi (Confident): Let's go. *They look at each other, and laughed. And with that, they all walked and retraced steps to the welcome hall*

A day in our Lives (anime/Cartoon Crossover)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora