Roomies of Room 4

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*Whilst snacking on some dried squid, a young boy scans the nameplates for his name, until....*

???: "Soma Yukihira," Yes! Found it! *Soma walks into the room with his head held high, when he sees another teen boy in the room* Oh hey, I guess we're roomies huh? *After some confused looks from the other, he nods*

???#2 (Confused, but calm in a sense): Uh, yeah. Hi, Name's Rekka Yukimura. Yukimura's fine though, nice to meet ya! *Extends hand, as Soma shakes it*

Soma: I'm Soma Yukihira. But you can just stick with Soma, nice to meet you too. *The 2 release their hands and Yukimura sees the snack in the other's mouth*

Yukimura: Um, Soma? Is that just Dried squid? (A little grossed out) That CAN'T be tasty *The other shrugs*

Soma (Neutral): It's not, but it'll do. *Puts stuff down and realizes* Hey, this is the stuff from my room, how'd they get it in the manor? *Soma unpacks his cooking stuff, and Yukimura stares shocked*

Yukimura (Shocked): Y-You can cook?

Soma (confused): You can't? *Rekka shakes his head no in embarrassment*

Yukimura (ashamed): I tried, once, I burnt soup. *Yukihira gives a face of, "How?!"* I don't know how, I'm just bad at it!

Soma (Thinking to himself): This dude wouldn't last a day in Totsuki... *Then, the 2 hear singing coming from the bathroom. They walk over, and see a mermaid?!* Uuuuuuh, are we seeing the same thing? *The S class battler nods, as the blonde mermaid spots them, and realizes what happened, covering herself up*

???#3 (Flustered): AH!

Boys (Embarrassed): SORRRY! *They shut the door quickly, as the mermaid turns back into a human and sighs*

???#3: No, it's fine *They listen from the door* Did I scare you guys?

Yukimura (Calming down): A-A little. You're a nice singer though *The mermaid, now turned human and clothed, opened the bathroom door and smiles at them*

???#3 (Happy): Thanks. I'm Luchia. *Soma and Rekka smile back*

Soma: I'm Soma, and this is Yukimura. Guess you're gonna be rooming with us. Next time we'll knock.

Luchia (Making a joke of what just happened): Next time, I'll let you know when I'm in mermaid form. *as they laugh, they hear another voice ring from the hallway, and see another girl lost*

???#4 (Panicking): Gori-Gori!!!!!!! *Luchia walks outside to calm her down*

Luchia (comforting): Hey, are you alright? *The girl looks at her, teary-eyed*

???#4 (on the verge of crying): I-I'm so stupid, I got lost!!!! *Starts rambling about what happened to her* I ended going to the opposite hallway and couldn't find my room and found a bunch of bathrooms and then there was a really scary room that was locked and I just ran here and now I don't know what to do!!!! *The other 3 stare at her, nodding their heads*

Soma (Sympathetic): Hey, don't sweat it. (Kinda teasingly) This manor is big, but to get lost so early and easily? *the 2 girls and Rekka stare at him in shock*

Other 3 (Shocked and a little pissed): Do you have to make fun of [Her/Me] right now?! *The Chef stood up and and helped the stranger up too*

Soma (Kindly): Come on, we'll help you find your room. *The battler and Mermaid sighed and nodded*

Luchia: Your name should be on the nameplate next to your room, so we'll start with that. What's your name? *She wiped her tears and bowed politely*

???#4: My name is Freyja. Freyja Wion. *Yukimura smiles and puts an arm around her in comfort*

Yukimura (Cheerful): Hey, then this is your room! We're all rooming with other people, and I guess you're with us! Hey there Freyja, I'm Yukimura. Is it alright if I call you Freyja *She nods*

Luchia: I'm Luchia, and the buttface is Soma. *Luchia nudges him, making Soma laugh*

Freyja: I've faced more buttfaces that are WAY worse than Soma, I think I'll live. *Puts emphasis on the word, "Way," thinking about the people she's met* But I'm glad I was finally able to find my room

Soma: Well, we're glad to have ya! *They help Freyja inside, as she smiles and bounces lightly, as a wind blows through and she peeks out*

Freyja (Curious): Hm? Is there someone here? *She doesn't spot anyone and walks inside*

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