Chapter 25: I Ender

Start from the beginning

"Looking for you hot head," she said sharply.

"I warned you it was dangerous," I said.

"You're the only danger here Herobrine," she said.

"Hey now watch the names," I said. She cupped her hands together and slid them under her chin. She made a puppy face and started talking like a baby.

"Aw did I hurt da wittle demon's feewings?" She said.

"Hey now, I'm not a demon!" I yelled. It echoed through the cave.

"Hush loud mouth. Trying to alarm your little monsters?" She said. I rushed up on her and grabbed her collar before relaxing and letting go.

"Don't ever call them monsters," I said

"Aw are you mad?" She asked. I looked at her eyes and a spark of purple had ran through them.

"No I mean yes I mean... Just shut up and come with me," I said. I grabbed her wrist and she snatched it away.

"I'm going no where with you. You're dangerous," she said. It's official my blood has turned her into a bitch.

"Don't make me force you," I said.

"Go ahead be a brute," she said.

"Stop acting like that God dammit! I told you to never set foot in these caves without me! I've tried holding back my evil ass nature for you. Now you are gonna have to hold back our bitchiness for me alright?" I said.

"Looks like someone has grown the balls for this relationship," she said laughing. She is getting on my nerves. I walk up to her and pinch the space between her neck and shoulders and she drops.

"Have a good nap," I said. I grabbed her and slung her on my back. The memory of her angelic transformation popped into my head. At least this time I'm fully clothed.

I climbed out of the hole and through the caves. The sun was covered by clouds and it was raining. I rushed out to a tree and stood under it. I wasn't smoking, but Susan was. My training was working, but Susan is now...behaving strange. Has she? No she couldn't have, not that fast.

I sat her down against the trunk of the tree and removed my jacket. I looked at her in the light of the grey sky. She was wearing short jean shorts and a black lacy camisole. She wore black and white Vans that were untied and she wore a black baseball cap.

I slid my jacket over her body.

"Oh now you choose to care for me," she whispered.

"Huh? Wait you're awake?" I said. She should've been out for at least a few more minutes.

"Just woke up," she said. She started coughing.

Her cough was strong and wet. She coughed into the sleeves of my jacket. A black liquid leaked from her mouth as she wiped the sides of her lips. I crouched down by her side and observed her carefully.

Her pale skin was her usual color, but something was off. She started coughing again lunging forward every time. I brushed her Snow White hair out of her face and spotted black streaks hidden within her long strands. Her blue eyes still tinged with purple were now red around the edges. I knew it... I just didn't want to believe it.

"Susan, you have Ender," I say.

"I know," she mumbled.

"Wait you know?" I say astonished. She nods before starting to cough again.

"My family has been inflicted with this curse since the colonization of the snow biome. I just never thought it'd affect me like this," she said. A memory flashed into my head. One I thought I could forget.

The next Ender Dragon book I: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now