Chapter 25: I Ender

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Hex's p.o.v.
I stood there as her face startled me. What have I done? We stood in the dark as blood trickled down her neck. The presence of her blood made me grow hungry. My stomach growled as I tried to calm her.

"Susan, I'm sorry. I- I didn't mean to I-I-it just happened. Please calm down," I said. She looked up at me and her reaction was still the same. The same fear stricken face. The same face that makes my heart cringe and my head hurt.

"Why?" She whispered. I opened my hand to her before closing it and tucking in my pocket. What would I tell her? Part of me just wanted to yell out the truth and another wanted to soften it up to make it seem as if what happened wasn't so bad.

Her wound was worsening as her blood left trails of red down her shoulder.

"Look I'm really sorry, but for now we have to worry about your neck," I said.

Her blood smelled so warm, but tastes so cold. I had to get another, just a itty bitty taste. I walked up to her and pinned her against the wall.

"No," she whispered. I winced once before running my tongue up and down her shoulder. Smoothly lapping up every drop before licking the wound. I couldn't help myself. Every drop, every blood cell of hers was screaming at me to savor the taste. I smiled before looking at her face again.

"Ugh I...I did it again!" I yelled. I was so angry with myself. Why can't I control myself? Why did I want her blood? I hated and despised every cell in my body right now. Then a thought of my dad popped into my mind. A flash back to my first kill.

The memory of the first taste of blood. I couldn't take it. His laugh echoed through my head and an image of his white glowing eyes burned into my eye lids. I growled and gritted my teeth, I punched the wall, I picked up a large rock and threw it up and out of the hole. So much rage was built up inside of me. This is all my dad's fault. THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT! I NEVER ASKED TO BE HIS DAUGHTER! I roared like a mighty creature, I grew angrier. I stood there snarling and burning on the inside...then her words.

"Hex, please...calm...down," said Susan. One glance at the snow haired beauty made my stomach drop.

She was paler than usual and she had lost a lot of blood. She was leaning against the wall, scaring me half to death. I had to act quick.

I walked up to her and looked her in the eye. I sniffed her blood and looked into her eye again.

"Please don't," she said.

"I'm sorry," I said. I lapped up her blood and held it in my mouth. I bit down on my tongue and my black blood trickled into my mouth. I swished the new combination of blood around before kissing her wound and seeping my fangs back into the original wound. My black blood immediately seeped into its new host and turned the would grey. I licked it and watched as the wound started healing.

Her color was starting to return and she stood on her own again. I automatically stepped back.

"Susan, are you alright?" I asked. She fixed her shirt before her ice blue eyes met with my glowing eyes.

"Hex," she said.

"Yes?" I asked urgently. A cold palm collided with my cheek and sent my head turning. My cheek was burning and itchy from the impact. Her face was now angry and strong, but something looked off.

"That was for attacking me!" She said. She then crossed her arms and turned away from me. What the hell?

"I said I was sorry," I pleaded.

"Sorry doesn't cut it bub. You owe me big time understood?" She said. Her sudden jolt of power scared me. Has my blood triggered something?

"Understood, but Susan what were you doing in the caves?" I asked.

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