Chapter 15: Club Ender

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Susan's p.o.v
^•¥•^ ^•¥•^ ^•¥•^
Lesson learned: mobs are really good at throwing parties.
As soon as she opened that door it seemed as if the whole world gave way to another universe. Mobs have been living in secrecy this entire time, how come humans don't throw parties like this? When we walked in the entire room was dark, but I could tell we weren't alone. I squeezed tighter to Hex's hand as we walked to the bar. We sat in the tall bar stools and the bar man kept eyeballing me. A skeleton man was serving drinks.

Hex cupped her hands around her lips and howled like a wolf. The entire room just burst into noise. Strobe lights were everywhere, neon was to be seen on everyone. A huge ender eye image was painted on the wall with ancient symbols. Everyone looked human, but I could smell what they were. Ghasts were performing fire tricks like swallowing fire and spitting out designs. There were zombie strippers dancing on poles in a corner of the club. Skeleton men were serving drinks and food to everyone. I could sense that there were slimes, spiders, and creepers dancing on the glowing dance floor. An Enderman was the DJ and he was laying beats so low and smooth I just wanted to dance.

Does Hex come here often? They all seemed to know her. The bartender came over and asked what we wanted. I still didn't understand how he looked so human. I even looked like my normal self in here, but I can smell the zombie on me. Hex had a completely different smell entirely. She didn't even look differently. Her pointy ears were perked and her face had a large smile; baring her fangs at the bar man. He smiled at her and grabbed a bottle and three shot glasses. He walked over to me and placed a martini glass in front of me. He started mixing drinks together tossing it behind his back and shaking it in beat to the music. He then places sugar along the edges of the glass and a cut strawberry as well.

He then pours the drink in the glass and stirs in a bit with a black straw causing the bubbles to for the design of a heart before placing a mint leaf in the drink. What did Hex make him get me? I look over at Hex and she had already downed her drinks and was requesting more.

"Hex please don't drink to much," I say.

"Aw I'll be okay. Like I said before I've been drinking since before you were a thought. It's just scotch," she says. Her breath was a little strong because of the alcohol, but I was okay with it. I grabbed the black straw and started taking a sip of the drink. This was amazing I may be 18, but alcohol may be something I like.

"Do you like it? I call it hex," said the bartender. I nod and smile.

"You named this after her?" I ask.

"Of course. She created this place, a sanctuary for all mobs to party and chill. She invented what you're drinking right there. Hope you enjoy the club," he says. I smile at the thought of Hex creating such a place. She seemed proud of this place.

I looked down at my drink and then at Hex. She had downed her second round and was requesting thirds.

"Hex, don't you think you've had enough?" I ask. She shakes her head as the bartender gives her a tall glass of something violet.

"Aw yeah! My special concoction. You know me so well Matt," she said.

"Anything for the princess. Just try and slow down a bit," he said. Hex took a long gulp of the liquid and started laughing.

"Aw cmon Matt you know me. I have a reputation to uphold. As long as no one challenges me I'll be alright," she said downing another large gulp of her drink.

"Hex, what do you mean by 'if no one challenges you'?" I ask.

"People here like to try and take me on for my titles that I have set here. Best dancer, best DJ, favorite alcoholic, most seductive, video game God, most dangerous, and party animal. I've set all of those here and no one can break them. Though several have tried my drinking contest to see if they can even down this stuff," she says lifting the glass and taking the last sip of her drink.

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