Chapter 3: The Nether Prince

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Chapter 3: The Nether Prince
I walk out the hall into my bedroom. I look in the mirror and sigh.
"Freak? Do people see me like that?" I ask myself in the mirror. A spider slowly crawls down from the ceiling on a single string of its silk web. It lands on my shoulder and nuzzles itself against my neck.
"At least you guys see me as normal. Who needs humans when I have you guys?" I say. As my self esteem is restored I walk to my stone, chiseled balcony. The dark chasm is bright with life and lava. The creepers play, the Endermen sing, the skeletons dance, and the zombies well they do zombie things.
This world is the one that understands me and I've been in love with it ever since. My eyes glow in the darkness and the people start to notice.
"Hey it's the princess!" Says one.
"All hail Hex!" Said another.
"The Princess! Princess! Princess!" They all started cheering after that.
"Calm down everyone just relax," I started giggling a bit. I lift myself on the ledge of the balcony and jump. The people go on with their normal ways as I fall to the ground. With a crunch I land on the stone. My fist cracks the rock into a series of branches.
I stand and brush the dust off of my outfit. I walk along as the people converse among themselves. Then I could feel it. I could feel his presence.
I look around through the crowd until I spot the fiery red hair of the prince. He walks with his wither skeletons as my people separated. He walks up to me and gets on one knee.
"Hello my princess, how are you this fine morning?" He said as he took my hand and kissed it.
I let his warm lips touch my hand. I take my hand away.
"You let my actually go through with it. I guess you finally are starting to love me," he says as he stands.
" I let you because it rude for a princess to reject other loyalty in a gesture of kindness. And no I do not and will not love you. You are an evil prince that rules over a land of fire and despair," I say.
The crowd goes silent and his skeleton men point their swords at me. My skeletons draw their bows.
"Withdraw from this my archers," I say. I look into the hollow sockets of the charcoal skeletons. They start to shake as they stare into my glowing eyes.
They then drop their swords and bow on one knee. "They may be your people, but they're ultimately under my rule," I say with a fiery lit tone. The prince laughs as his men rise.
"One day I will have your kingdom. You of all people should know how desperate the lands are. Us mobs must join to defeat the humans and take over as king and queens of the Over-World," he says.
"My only duty is to protect my people, not take the Over-World. Every cave, every canyon, and everywhere the moon shines is my land. So how about you get back in your Nether portal and never set foot in my kingdom again," I say. I point to the glowing portal as the sounds of his home echo through my chasm. He smirks and bows. He the turns and leaves for the portal. One Skeleton in front heads through first.
Then him, but just as he leaves he beckons," one day you will rule the Nether. Just I'd rather have you fall in love with me than to take it by force," he smiles. I growl at him. "Just try not to forget Prince Sebastian will you?" He then leaves and his other Skeleton follows. My people go back to their lives. "Someone destroy that portal! That's an order!" I yell. Several zombies with diamond pick axes start destroying it piece by obsidian piece.
"I could never forget him. His ugly face is something I could never get out of my brain," I say rubbing my head.
"Or his smell, gosh he smells like Sulfur," says a familiar voice in the crowd.
"Leviticus!" I say as I turn towards the direction of my Skelton friend.
"Hello your highness," he says. He walks over and hugs me.
"I told you call me by my real name," I whisper.
"Oh yeah, well you know me brainless Leviticus," he then takes off his skull and bows with it in hand. I laugh at the skeleton fool. "Are you leaving for your stroll my lady?" He asks putting his head back on.
"Yes, yes I am Levi," I say kindly and professionally. He looks at me and then shakes his head.
"I don't know why you deal with humans. They're ugly, disgusting savages that have no remorse," he says angrily.
"Levi you used to be human." I say confused. He looked at me with disgust.
"But my queen I pledged my life to you. All us warriors of the undead have and you have brought us new life and happiness," he says looking around at the people. Some people start to look at me. I laugh a bit.
"Levi we have to live with humans no matter how they treat us. I ruined the prophecy by living, they won't be leaving for as long as I live. Unless you want my to die,"I say gently. He put his Skelton hand over my mouth.
"Don't you ever say that again!" He whispers angrily.
"Get you hand off of my mouth," I say. He lets go,"well I guess we have a long time because I vowed to protect you and so have your people," he says.
"Yes now goodbye my loyal friend. I'll return soon," I say waving as I leave towards the exit cave.
The caves here are like a maze. An intricate colony of tunnels and tunnels.
That's the beauty of it all. It never seems to truly end. It can be a pain, if you're human though.
Only us mobs know this place better than we know the night. I whistle a little tune as I exit out the caves.

((Sorry to all the people reading it. I change it around so much. Thank you to everyone that puts up with it. If you like the story l keep updating))

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