Chapter 13: Emotions

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Hex's p.o.v
I woke up that morning feeling weak again. I hate waking like this it makes me feel...well...weak.

I sat up in bed in another patient gown. Except I wasn't in the infirmary. I was in a room that had white painted walls and nice furniture. A vanity with a large mirror sat far to my left. A large closet, probably walk-in stood beside the vanity. The room was lit with lanterns of many colors. A flat screen tv hung on the wall beside the door in front of the bed. The floor was a smooth oak wood that had been polished enough to see your reflection if you looked closely.

There were a few notebooks on a desk next to an white apple laptop. The room was beautifully decorated with a bay window full of beautiful flowers. The sun rays were shining brightly in the room.

I removed the blankets and got out of bed. The sun burns my eyes a bit and I got a head rush from standing too fast. I look at the white blankets and make up the bed. I fluffed the pillows and tucked the sheets. I smoothed the blankets and organized the order of the pillows.

I stretched my body and my muscles only hurt a little bit. Was my body starting to get used to the flames? Or had I not completely lost control?

I had another weird dream as I slept. Instead of a chat with little me it was something else. I was on a floating yellow island with large obsidian pillars. Atop the pillars were purple orbs floating in sync with each other. I felt as if I knew the place like I was meant to be there, but that was interrupted by a sudden snort of something very large.

A large black dragon with purple eyes laid in front of me. It's breath was aligned with mine as we laid/stood still. Finally I worked up the nerve to touch it. I placed my hand on its nose and next thing I knew I laying in this bed.

Clothes were on the nightstand beside the bed with a little note.

Dear Hex,

I have left these for you. Hope you can fit them. I just took a guess on your size. Meet me outside the castle.
P.s. looking forward to our date.
Best wishes, Susan

She bought clothes for me? Now that I think about it I do stink a bit. Wait did she say date? I look back at the letter confused.

"Date?" I ask myself. I grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom. It was huge! I mean I'm a princess, but I don't like the large profile and high life. I could tell she thought different.

Her bathroom had a large walk in shower and a bathtub the size of a hot tub, with a jacuzzi setting built into it. She had all sorts of shampoos, conditioners, perfumes, bath solutions, and soaps. Her mirror took up half of the entire wall right behind the dual sink and everything had a stainless steel faucet.

I turned on the shower and undressed. In the shower I let the water run down my skin. The water massaged every aching muscle, but burned my skin a bit. I washed my black locks and combed my fingers through it thoroughly to remove any kinks and knots. I then turned off the shower and stepped out, I looked at myself in the mirror. My long, wet curls drooped under the weight of the water. I have to flatten it somehow.

I look around in the bathroom closet and find everything is nicely organized. Susan must enjoy order. I grab the flat iron and plug it in. I look up at the clock. It's 12:00 p.m.! If there was any date this would probably be the time. I wonder how long Susan has been waiting for me to wake up? I grab the flat iron and try to flatten it, but it wasn't hot enough.

"Ugh!" I say. I stop my foot to the ground and throw my hands at my sides. My hair catches fire and then stops. I look into the mirror and my hair is flat. I grab my hair, it's still soft to the touch not singed.

The next Ender Dragon book I: New BeginningsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ