
"Fine. I'll wait here." this is what I meant when I say he makes time. I seldom ask for one that's when he knows, I needed to talk. I ended the call and wear my seatbelt again.

"Let's go to our company." I look over to Seulgi.

"Now?" she asked, a little confused. "Shouldn't you rest first?"

"I'm fine, Kang. I just need to clarify some things." I said. Could it be that the reason I expected, why we got engaged, not it?

"Okay." She said and started the engine. "Do you think that's why they set us up?" Seulgi suddenly asked.

"That's what I want to know."

We arrived at the company and went straight up to Dad's office.

"Good, you're here already." Dad said the moment I got in. For sure he got a meeting delayed already. "Seulgi, you're here too?" he said when Seulgi followed behind me.

"Good afternoon Mr. Bae." she bowed as greeting.

"So, what brings you two here?"

"What do you think is the reason why grandfather set us up?" I asked Dad. He scoff at that. "Dad!"

"Okay, I'll tell you." he then pointed at the couch, guiding us to sit.

"Aside from Father knowing you'd be willing to date a woman, which I did not know..." he's still at it.

"Dad! I'm being serious." I said to him.  He laughs.

"You weren't curious before, what made you want to ask me now?" He really likes to tease me a lot, these days. Maybe because I thought it was because Grandfather knew my feelings for Seulgi. Which again Dad doesn't know about, so I'm not telling him that.

"When was the Last Will made?" If I won't go straight to the point, he will just keep on teasing me. As if he was not acting in a hurry earlier.

"I'm not sure... Over a decade ago?"

"WHAT!?" Seulgi and I said in unison. Father look up to us.

"I just knew about it recently, when I talked to our family lawyer regarding the company."

"Do at least know the reason?" I asked. This time I saw him look over to Seulgi.

"I'm not sure but think I do." He said. "He knew you'll be in good hands with her." I look over to Seulgi and she looks dumbfounded of what's happening. "I'm guessing you two already knew, how you got involved with each other." Dad's stare remains to Seulgi

"I never really got to thank you for saving my daughter, years ago." He said. "Maybe Father saw it coming already." Dad look at me. "You've asked me before why I'm willing to give our company to a stranger... You were never a stranger to us, Seulgi. If my daughter didn't want it, then you deserve it more than anyone else." huh? Is that why he just accepted my decision not to inherit the company, that quickly?

"You mean..." I started. "Even without all these, Seulgi..." I look at her.

"Will still inherit the company." Dad finished up. "She's the reason why we still got to spend more years with you."

"That's why you agreed on giving the engagement a try." I said.

"I didn't exactly thought you'd really fall in love with each other. But I was kind of rooting for it, after Seulgi admitted she likes you." he said. "Now look at you two. The old men really saw the potential and just left a demanding note before they left us." I don't know if I wanted to laugh or what.

"Do you have any more questions?" he look at his watch. As expected.

"I don't know if you'll know..." Seulgi opened up. "But if it was your father's reason, do you possibly know what was my Grandda's reason?" I didn't realized she was thinking deeply already. "Because I can't think of something that wo-- why would he trouble the whole family... I just don't understand." Dad stands up and went over to his drawer to get something. He came back and give Seulgi a folder.

"This might help you understand." Seulgi opened it infront of the two of us. The last will of our grandfathers. "You two can stay here for as long as you can. I still have a meeting to attend to." He said.

"Okay." I said. "Thank you for making time Dad." I got up and hug him.

"Always." he smiled and kiss my forehead he then look behind me.

"Thank you Mr. Bae."

"Call me Dad." I was surprised hearing that. "Since my daughter here already said, she's marrying you no matter what." what!?


"You didn't said that?" he's teasing me again. Eversince he knew I fell in love with Seulgi, he's been like this.

"I did." I said, just facing him because I know how red my face is turning right now.

"I'll go now. No to naughty business in my office." What the hell?!

"Dad!" He laughs.

"Joohyun, you live in the same house. Who knows--"

"Yaaahh! Go now! You're late for your meeting!" I pushed him out of his office. He just chuckled.

"Bye my daughter in law." He said before he finally exited. I sighed.

"I'm so--" when I turn to face her, she was already in front of me. "Can you--"  was stopped when she suddenly kiss me. Wait!

"Thank you for loving me back." she said the moment we pulled away. I smiled at what she said. I leaned up again to kiss her.

Oh Seulgi! I should be thanking you, because I fell first.

"Your love is the best thing that I'll ever earn in this deal. Whatever Grandda's reason was, I'm just thankful I got the chance to love you. I love you." She said.  She kissed me again.

"I love you too, Kang."

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