Chapter XVIII

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Seulgi's POV

I woke up from my slumber. I sighed, seeing where I am now.

What do you do now, Kang Seulgi?

I did my morning routine before I went out of the room.

"Unnie?" Yeji said in shock when I reach the dining. It's just him and Oppa here. I went to sit with them at the table. "You're here."

"Thank you" I said to the helper who placed a plate in front of me.

"Seulgi, did you know that Joohyun's looking for you?" Oppa said that made me pause. I just look down at my empty plate. I'm not sure what to feel about that information. "Seulgi!" I was brought back to my senses when Oppa raised his voice already. I look up to him. "Did you hear what I said?"

"I'm sorry." That's all I have said.

"Unnie, what happened?" Yeji asked worriedly. I look over to her. "Did you two have a misunderstanding again?" I smiled at her question, before shaking my head.

"We didn't Yej." I said to her.

"Then why is it that you stayed the night here? And when did you even got here? I didn't saw your car outside." She said.

"I asked someone to bring it to Joohyun's place." I asked mom to ask someone to do it. She'll need it while I'm away.

"If so, then why was she here looking for you last night?" Oppa said. "Does she even know where you are now?"

"If I could've known you were just up to your room, I would've had--"

"Told her?" I finished up what Yeji was suppose to say. When I face her, I saw the look of realization in her eyes.

"You were avoiding her." She said. "Why?" I remained silent at her question. How am I suppose to tell her that I'm rethinking my situation now, because I just fell in love with the person I'm already in love with, in her perspective.

"You will not answer us?" Oppa asked.

"Unnie our flight is later tonight. You need to fix this thing before we fly to London." Yeji. I stand up from my seat. "Yah Unnie! What the hell is happening to you!?"

"I don't know, okay?!" I answered a little louder than I should've. I saw how surprise she is. It's the first time she heard me raising my voice. "I just..." I avoided her stare. "I just can't see her yet." I said before running back up to my room.

I need to think because if not? My fear now could cloud my decision.

I heard a knock on my door.

"I'm coming in." I heard Oppa's voice saying that. I just let him. He sat beside me. "This isn't you, Seul." I know.

"I'm in love with her." I said to him. He was silent for a moment.

"And it's scaring you now." I look down, seing how troubled I am playing with my hands.

"It's starting to get to me now, Oppa. This is what I was seeking since before, but a part of me don't want it anymore." I admit.

"Because you're scared, Seul, and that's normal." I look over to his side. "It's not all fairytails when it comes to love, you know that. I mean, even in fairytails there's fear."

"What if it gets to the point where she's just forced to be with me, because it's what the deal states? I don't want that."

"What if it won't happen?" I just look at him. He smiled at me. "What if she stays with you, because she wants to?"

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