Chapter VIII

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Seulgi's POV

"Why?" I asked as soon as she entered my car.

"Can we just talk about this at home?" She said as she's putting her seatbelt on. I sighed and decided to just drive. "Is it okay if we stop by at a convenient store?" I took a glimpse of her. I realized she was leaning back on the seat with her eyes closed. Is she asleep?

"What do you want to buy? Maybe I have it at home already." She suddenly spoke that startled me a little.


"Seulgi we just ate." She said. When I look at her again she had her eyes closed still.

I wasn't suppose to go with her but then there's Yeji, who was eyeing me the whole time. Also she asked her driver to just leave her there, what else can I do? I mean who would pick up someone and just let that person drive for her? Is she insane?

She was right though, we just ate dinner with my family before we left the house. Mom wouldn't let us leave without eating, that's why. I was not able to eat properly and I'm still hungry.

"Fine." She sighed.

I thank her and like I said, I stopped by at a convenient store. While picking up some ramyeon, someone called me.

"Yah KangSeul!" I closed my eyes knowing all too well who owns that voice.

"Krystal! What are you doing here?" I face her. Her brows furrowed.

"What are you doing here?" She crossed her arms. "You must've forgotten that our subdivision is not that far from here, but yours--" I cut her off.

"I just needed to buy these." I held up the packs or ramyeon. Her eyes widen at what I'm holding.

"Yow! That's too many!" She was about to steal it away, I too a step back. "I get that you love it but that's unhealthy!"

"I'm not eating it all in one go, can you chill?" She stand up straight, still eyeing my ramyeons


"I need to go now." I said to her and went to pay already. Joohyun's waiting for me.

"Wait Seulgi! We haven't talk about what happened the other day yet." I put the ramyeon on the counter before facing her again.

"Can we talk about it some other time, I really have to go--"

I was cut off with the cashier saying how much it all cost. I reach over to my pocket only to realize I forgot my wallet in my car.

"I'll pay for it." I look up to Krystal. "You must really be in a hurry to forgot about your wallet. Just wait for me here, I'll just get what I came here for. I'll pay it the same time" She said and went to some aisle again.

"I'm sorry." I said to the cashier.

"You two are the only customer now, no problem." Just after she said that a sound from the door was heard, meaning someone entered. "That made you three now." I look over to who entered. My eyes met hers. She walk over to my direction.

"What's taking you so long?" She asked.

Ever since we got into the car, I notice she looked so tired. She must've been wanting to have some rest already.

"Seulgi." She called my name again, I came back to my senses.

"I forgot my wallet in the car." I answered. I avoided her stare out of embarrassment.

"Can I pay with card?" I heard her asked the cashier.

"Yes." After she was answered she gave her card to the cashier.

"Hyun you don't have to do that." I said. She look up to me with a surprised expression.

"What?" The cashier gave her, her card back.

"I said you didn't have to do that." I repeated.

"It's fine Seulgi, can we go now?" She said.

"Seulgi! I'm sorry it took so long I had a hard time finding the one I needed..." I heard Krystal talking behind me. I almost forgot she was here too. "Bae Joohyun?" Krystal asked.

I'm sorry I mouthed at Joohyun, she just gave me a nod. I then face Krystal, she had this questioning look.

"What is she doing here?" She asked in a voice that only the two of us could hear. "Was she talking to you?" What am I suppose to say, without exposing us.

"Seul, I'll just wait for you in the car." I turn to her quickly, What?!

"O-okay." I answered. She then walk her way out.

"Yahh!" I received a smack in the head.

"Aaw!" I massage it and face my dear friend.

"I need an explanation!" She exclaimed. "How the hell?? Kang Seulgi!"

"I promise I'll explain it, someday." I said taking a step back. Out of the three of them, why does it have to be Krystal who saw us here. Great! "I really have to go now." For Joohyun to come down the car, I think she really wants to go home already.

"No way Seulgi! If not now, tomorrow! Dinner! I'll text you the details. Don't you dare not show up, or we'll hunt you down at your house." Sure! If you can still find me there.

"Okay. Okay!" I was about to leave when she stopped me by my wrist. "

"Where are you two going at this time of the night?" She pulled me closer to her and whispered that.

"H-home?" I stutter answering honestly.

"What are you doing there?" She asked more.

"to rest?" I answered. "Seriously Krystal!?" I pulled away my hand from her.

"You're taking the Bae Joohyun home? WOW! We're really having that talk tomorrow Kang Seulgi! Now go!" She suddenly pushed me, gently. I give her a glare, she just laugh and shoo me away.

I shake my head, exiting the convenient store, smiling. I went directly to my car. When I entered she had her eyes closed, embracing herself. Is she cold or what? As soon as the door was closed, I reach for a bag at the back to get something.

"Next time, just tell me you want to meet with someone. You didn't have to make excuses, it was not like I was driving the car. I can wait." I look over to her, she still had her eyes closed.

I was a little closer to her at the moment, since I'm reaching something at the backseat. Looking at her now, at this proximity. Was she really this pretty? She's honestly so mesmerizing. What was I suppose to say to her again?

Next thing happened was she turn her head to face me and slowly opened her eyes. Seriously though... Just Wow!

"What are you doing?" I blinked a few times after hearing her question. This is mad! Seulgi, get a grip!

I backed up and sat comfortably at my seat. I hand over my hoodie to her.

"Wear it, you seemed cold." She just looked at it at first then slowly accepted it.

"Thank you." She said as she adjusted on her seat to wear it.

"Seatbelt." I said.

"Right." After I made sure she's buckled up already, I started to drive.

While driving, I found myself stealing glances at her.

I think I'm starting to get infatuated...

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