Chapter 9- Approval Mixed With Disapproval

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Se-hun approached every topic with joy and energy, Y/N was baffled by how much energy Se-hun really possessed. They seemed to be getting along well enough, though Y/N wasn't too pleased with him interrupting her sentences at times.

'So,' said Y/N, she seemed really eager to discuss something with the new student.

'Er- have you prepped for the upcoming - SAT test?' Y/N asked, analyzing Se-hun's expressions as she spoke.

'Oh yes, indeed!' Se-hun nodded, 'What're you planning to do, after graduation - since our term is approaching its end?' Se-hun inquired,

Y/N shrugged, 'I'm not really sure, Mother said it's best to apply to the University Of Seoul' 

'Ah, a fellow UOS applicant, I see' Se-hun said, his voice had a sense of awe in it.

'And you?' Y/N asked, Se-hun looked bewildered 'Me? - Oh - My name?' 

'No,' Y/N chuckled 'I meant - what university are you applying to?'

Before Se-hun could speak, the call from his phone, transferring his attention.

'Oh er- Mum's calling' Se-hun said, then looked at Y/N

'D'you mind if-' 'No,' Y/N said, unbothered 'Go take the call, I'll wait here' Y/N smiled

Se-hun nodded as he went somewhere private placing his phone on the side of his face

'Huh? No! I didn't forget to put on sunscreen!-' The rest was drowned out.


Y/N was soon at home, she placed all of her books and read the summaries which she highlighted before, she wanted to study a bit before Taehyung would come, so she could show off her knowledge and enrage Taehyung. Unfortunately, all of that drowned in a doorknock.

'Come in!' Y/N said, she added a bit of a tone that displayed her annoyance. But frankly, she felt content deep within her heart that Taehyung had come.

Instead of Taehyung, Mrs. Choi entered the room with her usual cold demeanor.

Y/N jolted as she fell off of her chair but then quickly stood up straight bowing,

'Yes? Mother?' she inquired, still bowing.

'The Kims' son, unfortunately, has fallen ill' Mrs. Choi said, her dark gaze not leaving Y/N.

Y/N's heart sank in realization, sick? Is that why he hadn't talked with her the whole day?

'I understand - Mother' Y/N replied, as she tried to hide the growing concern for him in her voice.

'Now, don't let time off of the essence and open your books' Mrs. Choi commanded, as Y/N nodded.

Mrs. Choi had soon left her room, while Y/N was baffled. She couldn't text Taehyung because for some odd reason, she kept forgetting to ask him for his number, not like he'd give it to her without teasing her of course.

But the real reason why Taehyung hadn't come, wasn't just 'sick'.


'Tell her I'm sick.'

Taehyung said, he hadn't told Mrs. Kim why the real reason he didn't want to go to Y/N's house to study with her study. He felt as though he had been replaced by that new student, of course, he was going to be her new academic rival now. 

'But you aren't?' Mrs. Kim tilted her head 'Have you both - had an argument?'

Mrs. Kim inquired

Taehyung shook his head.

Mrs. Kim sighed as she nodded 'Alright, now study' She left, shutting the door behind her.

'He couldn't - possibly replace me' Taehyung muttered condescendingly, rolling his eyes at visualizing Y/N and Se-hun together, at some park bench, studying. The thought of it made him gag.

(~To Be Continued~)

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