Chapter 6- The Kims' Son

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Saturday arrived quickly enough.

As soon as Y/N entered the library. Her eyes searched for Asim-chi, glancing here and there. The library had more people coming in than usual, and a lot of those new strangers, were students. Some were skimming through the books, some were sleeping, some were panicking. All because of the upcoming SAT test.

A notification from Y/N's phone seized her attention.

'I can't come! Sorry! My mom told me to stay home and study TT' - Asim-chi <3

Y/N rolled her eyes at the message and muttered some not-so-elegant words under her breath.

She went up to the nearest empty seat she could find and dumped all her borrowed books as she began to skim through them.

After a drained 4 hours of endless studying, Y/N stretched her arms and decided to go back home, packing all her books into her bag. Her eyes widened at the unread text from her phone:

' Where are you? The Kims' son has been here waiting for you! Be back home, now. ' - Mother

'That bastard Taehyung's here again?' Y/N thought, as she rolled her eyes just thinking about him.


"My deepest apologies Taehyung, Y/N isn't usually late." Mrs. Choi apologized as she offered a cup of tea to Taehyung. Taehyung bowed and then shook.

"It's alright," he smiled 

"Why isn't Y/N as elegant and respectful as you?" Mrs. Choi mumbled, but Taehyung could hear it. He didn't know what to reply so he just let out an awkward chuckle.

"I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Kim are so, very proud to have a son like you" Mrs. Choi complimented Taehyung with a smile.

Before Taehyung could reply, the door swung open revealing Y/N who looked like she had just ran a marathon.

"My...apologies...." Y/N panted breathlessly as she bowed.

Taehyung was just about to burst out laughing but controlled it. Mrs. Choi looked at Y/N with a stern gaze.

"Go, clean yourself" She ordered as she sipped her tea.

"Yes...Mother..." Y/N bowed once again as she climbed the stairs, drained by fatigue.

"That girl seriously, needs help" Mrs. Choi scoffed,

Taehyung suddenly had an overwhelming feeling that made him feel bad for Y/N.

(~To Be Continued~)

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