Chapter 1- Kim Taehyung

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After school, Y/N was busy jotting down notes in the library. Making sure, she got every point and summary ready to score better on the next academic exam, she was overwhelmed by a sense of fatigue and decided to take a break for some moments.

"Got a 98% huh?"

Y/N rolled her eyes at the sneering voice, she didn't need another second to recognize that loathful voice, Kim Taehyung.

"Guess how much I got~" He jeered, as he shoved his report card on Y/N's face.

Her heart sank at his result.

"A, 99% ?!" Y/N snarled as she snatched it paper and tore it into two. Taehyung's eyes widened as he snatched the torn paper from her hands.

"HEY!" Taehyung shrieked "Jealousy is not a good thing, Ms. Choi~"

He belittled Y/N, making her scowl even more.

"You definitely cheated!-" "Oh I most certainly did not!"

Taehyung shoved his hands as well as his report card into his pockets and stuck his tongue out.

"You should really pay attention in class, Ms. Choi" He jeered once more,

Y/N scoffed "At least, I didn't cheat!-" "I didn't even cheat!"

And they continued to bicker like children, for hours.


"Stupid....Idiot" Y/N continued to mumble, as she stood outside waiting for her driver to pick her up. Her waiting had a full stop to it when a notification from her phone confiscated her attention.

'Your driver's late, said he's ill. Walk home, now' - Mother

"Of course..." Y/N muttered bitterly, as she walked home, stomping on every tile in anger.

"Lookie here, what's wrong? the golden child's driver didn't arrive? Oh what a pity..."

Taehyung sneered as she walked past him, trying to ignore him.

"It's too late to go back alone dimwit," Taehyung scowled as he walked behind her.

"My driver's almost here, we'll take you home-" "No." Y/N replied ignorantly.

"You don't have a choice, your Mother messaged my parents." Taehyung scoffed.

Y/N sighed, Her's and Taehyung's parents were close (not emotionally but were business partners) so she had no choice but to surrender. She'd not dare disobey her parents.


"So," said Taehyung during the drive, Y/N sighed as she could sense another round of them belittling each other.

"How'd you get a 98%? I'm sure you had studied very hard" Taehyung chortled, as Y/N kept on ignoring him for the remainder of the drive.

Taehyung sighed in defeat as he knew there was no way to get Y/N up and going to argue with him. He liked their bickering, it was the only way she'd communicate with him anyway.


They soon reached their destination, as the driver opened Y/N's side of the door and bowed, as she got up.

Taehyung kept making faces that mocked her, it was a bit of a revenge for ignoring him earlier. 

Y/N rolled her eyes as she climbed the steps of her house and gave Taehyung a mocking look as a way of bidding him goodbye.

Taehyung was happy she had done that.

(~To Be Continued~)

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