Why are you looking away?

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"AND I WIN AGAIN!" cheered Ajax after a third round of taco, cat, goat, cheese, pizza.

(I love this game so I had to add it in 🤭)

"Only cause your stupid hand slaps everyone else's so hard so we don't try and slap the cards before you!" I groaned looking over and everyone with red hands

It was game night and Scaramouche brought Kazuha to play with Ajax, Lumine and I after I won the bet. I think he only brought Kazuha to take the attention off himself.

"Well, that's how the game works, if you don't want to get slapped don't play." Ajax mused as he picked up the cards and put them back in the box.

"What should we play next?" Asked lumine grabbing the stack of board games and placing them in the middle of us.

"Hmm," Kazuha hummed as he looked at the stack. "What about none of these, what about we play charades?"

"oh that sounds fun! Oh I want to go first!" cheered Ajax. We all agreed and Ajax began acting god know what out.

"AN A MONSTER!" Lumine yelled Ajax nodded no

"A DINOSAUR?" Kazuha called

Meanwhile, Scaramouche sat in silence not engaging much. Though I'm not surprised.

"AN ANGRY PERSON?" I called not getting what Ajax was doing

"Close" Ajax smirked

"It's me isn't it." Scaramouche finally spoke up rubbing his temples.

"DING DING DING!" Ajax cheered causing it all to be deadpan.

"Move out of the way it's my turn!" Lumine gets up shoving Ajax.

We play that for a while taking turns, though Scaramouche always skips his. I hoped even though he didn't voluntarily come he still had fun.

After we watch a movie and eat some pizza.

"Alright, I better get going I've got plans tomorrow with Aether." Lumine sighed getting up and grabbing her things.

Kazuha and Ajax also get up to go. "Lumine gave me a ride so I have to go too, I'll see you later!" Ajax leaves with lumine.

"I'm going to go too, but I'll see you guys later." Kazuha smiles.

After Kazuha leaves I turn to Scara. "You leaving too?"

"You want me to?" he asked getting up.

We hadn't talked about the other day since it happened, we really hadn't talked at all one on one since then. I didn't know if I should or not, was it something that I should even acknowledge? Would it make things awkward?

"You don't have to," I spoke after a moment.

Scara pondered for a moment before sitting back down on the couch. "What do you want to do?" Scaramouche asked Turing to me.

I looked away. I didn't like the eye contact, it made me uneasy.

"I don't know, what do you want to do." I said leaning back against the cushions.

"Why are you looking away?" Scaramouche asked causing me to freeze. "You should look at someone when they are talking to you." Scaramouche then gently gripped my chin and turned me to look at him with a knowing look on his face.

My voice was caught in my throat. He knew what he was doing, he was messing with me. I glared at him in annoyance and pushed his hand away from my chin.

"Keep your hands to yourself buddy." I stated rolling my eyes.

"Buddy? That's a new one" he mused

I grabbed the remote to turn on the TV and Scaramouche took it from me and tossed it on the other side of the couch.

"Hey, what was that for!?" I said as tried to grab the remote before he threw it.

"You're trying to avoid talking." Scara crossed his arms and stared at me expectantly

I didn't know what to say, my mind had a million thoughts swarming it. What did I want, did I want to be closer to him? Is that why I felt like that when he let go of my hand? Should I tell him that I felt something? Should I brush it off and play dumb?

"Did I make you uncomfortable the other day?" he asked breaking my train of thought.

"Huh? What no! No, you didn't." I said not convincingly

"But that's what this is about isn't it."

I stayed silent. I wasn't used to him being this straightforward and persistent. I don't know what had gotten into him, I was making me nervous.

"It didn't make me uncomfortable Scara." I interrupted

Scara looked at me silently. Almost like he was analyzing me.

"I didn't mind Scara, but I thought that you did and so I didn't want to bring it up." I swallowed hard, talking to him had never been this difficult before, I felt as though he could see through me. Like he could read my mind.

I sucked in a breath, I knew what was coming but I didn't how to react. I'd never had someone care for me this way nor had I cared for anyone like this. I was scared for how I would react to him, I was scared that I would do something stupid.

"Scara, when you grabbed my hand that night all you did was help me confirm the feelings I had already been suspicious of." I started

"It made me realize that I wanted to be close to you. I didn't think you felt the same so I never planned on saying anything. I thought that if I never said anything that there would be no chance of a rift between us."

I couldn't look at him as I talked, I couldn't look at how he would react to what I was saying. Would he look at me differently


I looked towards him but I still couldn't meet his eyes.

"I'm going to be honest with you, when I grabbed your hand that night, it wasn't an accident." Scaramouche sighed rubbing the back of his neck. "I also wasn't actually scared."

I punched him in the shoulder. "OW!" he whined rubbing his shoulder

"You made me think I won the bet you dick." I crossed my arms

"That's what you care about?" he rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to see how you would react if it was an "accident." Scara stated almost embarrassed. "It was dumb and I am an idiot for doing it 'cause it made you uncomfortable."

Scara looked out the window of my apartment. We didn't say much for awhile, both of us were not brave enough yet to stop hiding from ourselves and each other.

I took a deep breath "What do we do now?" I finally spoke up.

Scaramouche turned back to look at me, a look on his face I had never seen before "Whatever you want to."

"That's not what I mean-"

"I know what you mean." Scara interrupted me. "And I'll do anything you want." He looked away for a moment before meeting my eyes again.

"I'll do anything you want me to Y/N."


I am going to be ending this fic soon, I am working on an original book that I really hope to publish so that's why this is taking me so long. If you guys want to read that if it comes out you can follow my socials link in my bio 😜


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