Crazy, I was crazy once

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*Chapter 1*


Scaramouche and I were supposed to meet after school today and I was not in the mood. I had woken up late and didn't have time to shower felt and sluggish all day. Luckily Lumine canceled hanging out after school cause her and her brother had a friend that was visiting.

I let Ajax know that she wouldn't be there and he told me he had school work to do anyway, though I didn't know he even did his work. So now I am home showering before I need to be back at school to meet up with Scaramouche.

Taking a shower brightened up my mood just enough that I would be able to tolerate scaramouche today.

After I showered I got dressed in a sweater and leggings with my snow boots. The weather decided to grace us with snow last week and I don't have a car so I have to walk to school. Lucky me!

I slipped on my shoes and put on a jacket and scarf before heading out the door. I opened the door and the crisp winter air hit my face sending shivers down my spine.

I loved the snow when I was younger but after moving out of my parents house and having to work without a my mom to drive me, I realized what a nuisance it was.

As much as it was cold, the walk was soothing, I loved the way the ice looked on the trees and how all the water was frozen over. Everything was still and preserved is a white Frost.

I should paint this later.

By the time I got to the school I had about ten minutes to spare before five so I made my way to the art room and decided to sit and sketch for a bit.

Sketching was calming, when I was younger and kids would bully me I would go and sketch alone in empty classrooms. It helped me feel safe. It helped to create a world that was catered to me and whatever dreamland I could make up.

After a bit I heard the classroom door open and scarmouche walked in.

"Hey I wasn't late this time," I smiled hoping he was in a decent mood.

"Only because I made sure of it" he scoffed sitting down with his stuff.

"I can't win with you can I?" I sighed putting my sketch pad away and taking a seat across from him.

He took out his stuff and had me face him so he could finish up a few details. Luckily it didn't take long before he was done.

He turned the sketch to me to look at it. My professor was right, he was talented. I was amazed at the accuracy. It was as if he has taken a picture rather then drew it.

"Do you like it?" he asked glancing at me for a moment.

"I love it, you are very talented." I stated with a small smile.

"Let's hope we can say the same for you," he said causing me to sigh. Just as I thought we were getting along.

"I'm sure our professed will love it and we should get good grades" I said as I look at his art once more.

"Of course I will, I can't for sure say the same about you" he said and got up. "Your turn."

We switched spots and I pulled out my art stuff and looked to Scaramoche. "Just face me Thats a good enough pose."

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