A perfect pair

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*Chapter 1*


I had been in my 2nd month in the second semester when I had been pared up with Scaramouche. I didn't know the guy very well, i only knew him because he sat two seats over from me in class.

"I think you two will make a perfect pair" Lisa my art professor said with a smile. "You both have exceptional art and I would love to see how you do together. The project is due in two weeks and you will have you draw each other in your own perspectives," she said clasping her hands together.

I loved my professor, she was kind and had a nack for spotting talent. So when she paired scaramocuche and I up i was happy to be working with someone she had such high regard for.

"I'm excited to start." I stated smiling back at her.

"I told him to meet you after school here in the art room so you can start as soon as possible!" she said as she got ready for her next class.

"Ill be here, see you tomorrow!" i said as i left reaching for my phone.

Ajax hate club

Ginger (derogatory)
Who made the chat name that?

That would be me 😇

The hot twin
I think it's fitting

Ginger (derogatory)
Well I don't 😭

do either of you know anything
about a guy named Scaramouche?

The hot twin
I think he is friends with that kazuha guy. I haven't met him personally but my brother knows them.

Ginger (derogatory)
Scaramouche, me and him are best buds!
Super cool dude, why?

Oh well I was pared up with him for an art project and was wondering the kinda guy he is? My professor said his art is great but I was wondering what I should expect?

Ginger (derogatory)
He's cool! Super chill dude.

Oh really? That's good I was nervous he was going to be some prick who thinks he better then everyone LMAO
sounds like this will be a piece of cake

Ginger (derogatory)
Yup not even close 😊

Okeee well ima go now I have to meet up with him to start the project!

Ginger (derogatory)
Bye have fun!

The hot twin
Ajax Scaramouche is not "super chill" Aether told me he is a total dick. What are you planning?

Ginger (derogatory)
Maybe she will think before changing the chat name again 🤭

The hot twin


I made my way to the art room where scaramouche and I were supposed to meet.

This should be easy, the guy seems like he will be nice enough so there should be nothing to worry about. I walked down the hall and made my way to the art room and looked around

"Seems like he isn't here yet" I mumbled to myself as i put my bag down on one of the desks.

"You're late." An unfamiliar voice said from behind me. I turned to see scaramouche with a scowl on his face. "You are five minutes late, I don't have the time for slackers."

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