Maybe he's afraid of dogs

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"Thats not like him," Ajax said finishing his juice and tossing it in the trash. "Then again he doesn't talk to me at all."

"Maybe he has warmed up to you, or maybe he does have a conscience and felt bad about making you walk home alone the other day." Lumine shrugged.

"Possibly, maybe I am just reading too far into it," I said rubbing my neck.

"Hey you don't have to deal with him anymore so just wash your hands of it is what I say," Ajax said with a yawn.

"Yeah, you are right, well I'm gonna head home this is the first day I don't have to be in the art room so I am taking a break," I said bidding my farewell.

For the rest of the week, Sacaramouche and I didn't talk. Not intentionally, we just didn't have a reason to anymore. We finished the project and gave it to Mrs. Lisa the following Friday. Though I did miss our art sessions, even if Scaramouche was a bit of a grump. I did enjoy watching him draw, it was nice seeing someone so passionate in the same thing I was.

But it was over. It was a project and nothing more. We wouldn't speak again, that was it.

That was until Kazuha asked me to hang out with him and Scaramouche that weekend.

"Hey Y/N you made it!" Kazuha smiled as I walked up to the cafe we agreed to meet at. He said we could stop and get coffee then head to the new art gallery that just opened a month ago. He was planning to just go with Scara but since he now knew me and how I was an art major he decided to invite me.

"Hey yah sorry If I took long, I had to walk since I don't have a car." I laughed nervously as we took a seat in the cafe.

"Oh no worries, Scaramouche isn't here yet and I just got here a few minutes ago so it's no big deal," he said giving a warm smile. I liked Kazuha he was kind and had a warm personality, it was a funny contrast from Scara's harsh cold one. I wonder how they became friends. I'll have to ask him sometime.

Not a Moment later Scaramouche walked in "Stupid morning traffic." he grumbled before looking at me with a slightly surprised look on his face. "I didn't know she was here."

Wait, if he had a car then why did he walk with me home the other day?

"Oh yeah well I thought it would be fun if she came. You don't mind do you?" Kazuha asked with an innocent smile.

Scaramouche stayed silent for a moment "It's fine." he finally said sitting down at the table.

"Good, so what are we ordering?" kazuha said looking at the menu.

I had never been to this coffee shop before but it seemed to have the standard items so I went with my usual coffee order.

"Hmm I think I'll get a tea, I know it's a coffee shop but I'm not a huge fan of coffee." Kazuha chuckled.

"I'll just get a black coffee," Scaramouche said flatly.

The waitress came over and took out the order and left only to come back a few minutes later with our drinks.

Kazuha made small talk with me and tried to include Scaramouche but it seemed he wasn't really in the talking mood as per usual.

After we finished we left the cafe. "Hey Scara why don't you give Y/N a ride since she doesn't have a car?" kazuha said with a smile.

Scaramouche seemed like he wanted to protest but a look from Kazuha made him decide against it.

Scaramouche and I go into the car, the first few minutes were awkward before I spoke up.

"I didn't know Kazuha didn't tell you would be here, sorry if it threw you off or upset you," I said looking at him briefly before looking back out the window. I know I shouldn't apologize since I did nothing wrong. But at the same time, I can understand how it might be frustrating if someone who you aren't close with shows up without warning to something you are planning with a friend.

"It's fine, I just wasn't expecting it. You don't need to apologize," he said his eyes still on the road. I only nodded in response.

A few minutes later I spoke up again. "I'm glad our project got good grades, not that I didn't think they would. I just was nervous that since at first we didn't really get along the greatest it might show in our art."

"Well, I wasn't nervous at all. We didn't have much competition in the first place," he said with a slight shrug.

The rest of the car ride was silent. But not awkwardly just calmly silent. We got to the art gallery and went inside with Kazuha.

We looked around at the different paintings some seemed simple but then others had thousands of intricate details that must have taken months to paint.

I stopped at one painting of a girl with dark brown and pale skin in a field of wildflowers. she was dressed in a blue sundress and seemed to have been running and had turned to face the viewer as if telling them to follow her.

"You seem to be a fan of this one," Scaramouche said standing beside me and looking at the painting.

"I do, I love how the artist was able to capture her movement in such a way that it feels like they had taken a picture at the moment she was running. I love how you can see her intention on her face so clearly." I stared at her portrait for a moment more before turning away.

"We should catch up with Kazuha," I said with a laugh as I saw him on the other side of the gallery staring at a painting of a man being chased by dogs.

Scaramouche and I made our way over to him. "I wonder what the artist was thinking when they painted this?" Kazuha laughed.

"Maybe he was afraid of dogs," I stated jokingly.

"Thats why cats are better," Scaramouche said causing me and Kazuha to laugh. We walked through the rest of the gallery and after kazuha volunteered Scara to drive me home.

"Even though I know it wasn't your idea thanks for giving me a ride." I laughed once we got into the car."

"He's always choosing what I do, it's like he's my dad." he scoffed "I'm not upset about driving you home though, we don't live far anyway."

"I have a question." I looked at Scara.

"Hmm?" he hummed

"Why did you walk me home that one time if you had a car?" I asked

"Uh I had walked that day so I didn't see why not," he said though it felt ingenuine, he was hiding something. I didn't question him though.

The car ride was silent after until we got to the place where our paths split.

"Uh I just realized I am not sure where to go from here to get from your home," he said as we got to a stop light.

I laughed a bit and apologized for not giving him my address sooner and put it in the GPS. We got to my home not too long after.

"Thanks for the ride," I said getting out of the car.

"Don't worry about it, and sorry if I seemed grumpy today, I just am not a people person and when someone new unexpectedly shows up it throws me off," he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"I get it it's understandable, it can be hard getting to know new people no need to stress over it." I smiled. We bid out farewells and I went inside looking out the window to see Scaramouche drive off.

Ok I really like this chapter, scaramouche seems to be warming up thanks to Kazuha the best wingman ever 🤭
I'm trying to keep things going at a decent pass without going too fast or slow so let me know what you guys think. Anyways love you guys xoxo Hails. ❤️

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