Should have brought a hat.

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"you got his number already?!"
Ajax questioned baffled while i was on my way to lunch with him and Lumine.

"What do you mean already?" lumine asked

"I mean it took me months to get his number! And even now he never reads my texts." Ajax stated grabbing his food.

"Well, it's for a project so it's not like we are all buddy-buddy with each other." I said as lumine and I grabbed our food and took a seat at a nearby table.

"Anyways that's besides the point, I texted Scaramouche after reading what kazuha said and he said "I told kazuha not to say anything." what does he mean by that?"

After tossing and turning all night with questions roaming my mind I ended up texting Lumine and Ajax about it in the morning and they said they would talk with me about it at school on Monday.

"It is pretty fishy, though it doesn't seem like they have bad intentions." lumine said as she ate her lunch.

"I want to ask kazuha but I also don't want him knowing I texted Scaramouche with that in mind. I mean he did say to keep it between us."

"Hmm I don't kazuha very well, but I have known scaramocuche since high school. We weren't close but him and kazuha were, I'd assume that maybe he is just looking out for him." Ajax said with a shrug. "I mean, he said "don't let him scare you away." it could just be that he knows he is closed off and thinks he needs friends."

"For once Ajax you actually are making complete sense." lumine stated a bit surprised

"Hey I always make sense!" Ajax said nudging her softly.

I thought about what he had said and it did make sense, but why would scaramouche say not to say anything to me. And what did kazuha mean by, "Oh I think he told me about that, I didn't realize it was you that was his partner though." when I told him I was his working on our project with him? Did scara tell him about me outside of our protect?

This was all giving me a headache.

"Uh oh I think the world is going to explode," Lumine said with an exaggerated frightened tone.

"Oh shut it you!" Ajax rolled his eyes. "I think we should mess with him since he answers you."

I snapped out of my thoughts "huh?"

"I think we should text him, I mean kazuha said not to let him scare you away. Maybe he meant to try texting him and be friends with him." Ajax said with a playful grin.

"Yeah I don't think that's the best idea, he told me not to text him and I am not about to deal with an extra grumpy Scaramouche today," I stated rubbing my temples.

"Oh come on, you can just say I stole your phone" Ajax pleaded, before reaching over and taking my phone.

Mr grumpy


So what are you up to? 🤭

Mr grumpy
None of your business. Leave me be.

Oh, come on I know you missed me 😩

Mr grumpy
I'm not in the mood and I am beginning to lose my patients y/n

I don't think you had any to begin with.

Mr grumpy

Ok gotta go a hot ginger is calling love you byeeee

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