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"Do you even know how to ice skate Scaramouche?" Ajax asked as we all put our ice skates on.

After a bit of discussion, we all agreed to go ice skating since none of us had ever been. And since Aether knows Kazuha and Scara and was Lumine's brother he came along too.

"Of course I know how to ice skate stupid, if you don't you must be stupid," Scaramouche grumbled as he finished tying his laces.

"I don't know how, so I will probably end up holding the side walls." kauzah chuckled as we entered the rink.

lumine and Aether entered the rink and began ice skating as if it were second nature.

"I thought you said you have never been ice skating!?" I asked puzzled as I watched them.

"We haven't, but it's not hard at all," Aether smiled as he and Lumine spun around.

I turned to see Scaramouche holding onto the side wall looking frustrated. "You ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine," he grumbled before slipping and almost falling.

I wasn't a pro skater or anything but it wasn't too hard, I had rollerbladed before and it wasn't much different.

"Oh is somebody having a hard time, I thought that if you didn't know how you must be stupid." Ajax teased as he skated past.

"Shut up!" Scaramouche growled and tried to skate again.

"It's fine if you don't know how, I don't either." Kazuha smiled as he held on to the side as well.

"Hey maybe we can link arms," I smiled coming up next to Kazuha. "Then you guys won't be stuck on the sides the whole time."

"Thats a great idea." kazuha linked arms and we looked to Scara expectingly.

He looked at the wall and then back to us before grabbing my arm and linking it with his.

"Ok let's move our left foot first and then the right." I started and they followed.

Left, right, left, right, kazuha and I chanted together laughing.

it was going well until Kazuha's leg slipped and he fell dragging me and Scara down with him.

I looked to Kazuha asking if he was ok before we both busted out laughing. We looked at Scara who was glaring trying not to laugh which only made us laugh harder.

We all managed to get up and with a bit of a sigh from Scaramouche, we tried again.

Meanwhile, Lumine and Aether were trying to show Ajax how to spin without falling on his face. Let's say he needed more practice.

"Hey I'll be right back, I need to use the restroom," Kazuha stated unblinking arms. We were on the far side of the ring so he had to carefully walk to the other side.

"If I had known you and Kazuha didn't know how to ice skate I would have made sure to pick something else, sorry about that," I said as we slowly skated around the rink.

"It's fine, you seemed really excited about it so I didn't want to be the reason that we didn't get to go."

I hummed in response not sure of what else to say. Scaramouche was a mystery to me, one minute he was grumpy and pretentious and the next he was kind and paid so much attention.

We kept skating and suddenly Scaramouche and I's feet hit each other causing him to slip and he tightened his hold on my arm to steady himself. He cursed silently lessening his grip "Sorry." he muttered.

"Do you want to take a break?" I asked as we got back to the other edge of the rink by the exit of the rink.

He nodded and we got out of the rink and sat at the bench. Not a moment later Kazuha emerged.

"You guys taking a break?" he asked putting his skates back on.

"Yeah just for a bit." I smiled

"Well I'm going to go skate with everyone else, see you guys later." he left and wobbled his way over to Aether.

"Next time you can pick where we go." I turned to Scara

"Next time? I only agreed to this time." he rolled his eyes.

I shoved him with my shoulder playfully. "Oh come on you had fun."

He tried to hide his smile but I saw. He definitely had fun.

After about an hour we all decided to head out and go somewhere to eat, we ended up going to a small diner not too far from the skating rink.

"I'm getting chicken strips I don't know about you guys," Lumine said pushing the menu into the middle of the table.

"Same here" Aether agreed.

"Thats the most basic thing you can get," Ajax said grabbing the menu. "I'm getting a burger."

"And that's not basic? You're a hypocrite." I took the menu. "I'm getting Mac and Cheese."

"You all are children give me that." Scara took the menu and looked over it. "Yeah I'm getting chicken strips too."

"Im getting salad." Kazuha smiled. We all started at him blankly.

"Who the hell gets salad at a diner?" Scaramouche looked at him dumbfounded.

"Um me?" Kazuha shrugged

We ordered our food and ate, there was little small talk since we were all so hungry. We split the bill but just as I was going to pay my part Scara slapped my hand away and paid on my behalf.

"I can pay for my self you know."

"Shut up." he blankly stated crossing his arms

"Can you pay for me too? It's only fair since you still have me blocked." Ajax teased
lumine elbowed him in the stomach earning an "Ow" from him.

Scaramouche said nothing.

We left the diner and Ajax, Lumine, and Aether left getting into Lumine's car.

"Y/N you should ride with scara this time since you live near eachother." he said with an innocent smile.

I turned to Scara to see if he was ok with that and he just shrugged.

"Thanks for paying for me even though you didn't have to." I said as I buckled my seat in Scara's car.

"Dont mention it." he said as we started driving.

The ride was silent except for the music playing faintly. I'm pretty sure it was reflections by the neighborhood.

"I love this song." I hummed once it started playing.

"You like the neighborhood?" he asked turning the song up slightly.

"Mhm, I love them."

He smiled to himself before snapping himself out of it. We made it back to my house and he dropped me off.

"I guess I did have fun." he said as I unbuckled. "I would like the do that again."

"That took all your strength to say didn't it." I teased

He only rolled his eyes in response.

"Night scara." I said getting out and shutting his car door.

Felt like this was an ok chapter, idk I can never tell with my own writing. I feel like to do too much dialog but I have no clue. Lmk what you think and if my writing sucks 😃


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