He answered almost immediately, though he sounded as if he had just been woken up "Hello? What's up? Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. You can go back to bed."

"No, Ly why did you call?"

"Oh I just got done with the volleyball thing, and I'm stuck at the diner, well I started walking home. But you're sleeping so it's fine"

"No, go back in the diner, I'll come pick you up."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely positive. If you don't go back inside that diner, I'll murder you myself. Or just make you do extra math homework"

I rolled my eyes but we both laughed a little, and I hung up after I stepped back into the diner, I just sat at the counter and talked to the waiter for a little until Charles car pulled up.

I walked out of the diner, and sort of ran to the car, freezing in my volleyball jersey. And I opened the passenger side door sliding in, to which I was immediately hit with a hoodie.

"Put it on, you look freezing. I can't believe you were gonna walk home" I slid the hoodie on.

"Sorry, it's so late."

"It's fine, Ly. I really don't mind. I think you're parents are up though. All the lights were on."

"Really?" That was odd usually they were in bed by 8, or out of the house, they were never awake, and my siblings had to be in bed. I mean Mila usually was reading in her bed at this time, my little brother was always asleep.

"Yeah, just text me if you need anything" We pulled up to the houses, and he got out opening up my door. I was pretty worried, and I think he could tell.

"Hey, Ly. If you want me to come in I can."

"No no it's fine. I'll text you?"

"Okay." I went to take the hoodie off but he stopped me. "Keep it, I can get it another time." With that I walked into my house, I first heard fighting. My parents screaming. They never really fought. But they never really spoke.

I could hear Ethan, my little brother crying upstairs. And I could see Mila my younger sister standing behind a door in the other room watching.

"Uh hello?"

"Lyla! Where on earth were you?!?" My mom yelled, hurting my ears.

"Volleyball, and then the diner. I told dad." I looked over at dad who cursed to himself, he must've forgot. He did that sometimes, I'm not sure why.

"You're kidding!? She told you and you didn't think to let me know! And why didn't you tell me Lyla?!? This is not working. I need some air." She pushed him back a little bit before leaving the house.

I saw the car drive away, she grabbed a bag before she left. "Where did mom go?"

But my dad didn't awnser, he didn't say anything. He just stood there, until he sat on the couch not moving. That's when Mila irrupted in sobs and hugged me.

I didn't know if my mom would be back, she had done this before, but it never seemed this serious. She naturally travelled for work, and left on bad notes frequently. But Mila was crying, and she always did have a sixth sense.

Once Mila, had sort of calmed down and went to bed I checked in on Ethan who ended up falling to sleep shortly after the yelling ended.

There was no chance I could sleep, none at all. I had to leave, maybe I was like my mom. I hated being told that but leaving always seemed like the best option.

I walked over to Charlie's house. I didn't wanna wake his mom or his dad or his older brother up. It's not that I cared, I mean me and Charles were always eachothers family. When ours weren't great.

But I climbed up the tree, and knocked on his window, he wasn't asleep yet, he was just sitting in his bed reading Little Women? He saw me and opened the window. But once he did I couldn't keep the straight face, so I hugged him, and let it out.

"Oh Ly." And that's how we stayed the rest of the night. Sitting on his bed, me hugging him. Both of us crying, both of us talking. Maybe that sounds depressing or awful but it was really nice. And it made me feel a lot better. Cause even in this messed up world I at least had my best friend.

a/n: guys this might be my favorite chapter. please tell me if it was written well?? Cause i'm not sure. but on a side note this kind of set in stone that charlie and lyla are best friends again. ((also go apply to my royalty apply fic rn and check out the cast for is it over now?)) love you all and goodnight 💋💋 guys this is half way over?!?

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