Chapter 28 - Accounting

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When I woke up, Louie was still sound asleep. I didn't know how either of us had stayed awake for as long as we did, to be honest. I made sure the blankets were tucked around the little Rothulings and tiptoed to the door.

I was surprised when it opened, but less surprised when I found two Troinek standing guard outside. The two stared at me like they didn't know whether to push me back into the room or see why I was attempting to leave.

"I need to speak to someone in charge. I think his name is Li'hans," I whispered, making sure to look as pathetic as possible.

One of the guards tapped something into his bracer. I stood there nervously for a few minutes before his arm lit up again. "He'll see you now. I'll escort you there."

I nodded and started to follow before giving one more quick glance back at the room I was leaving. My heart ached to be apart from the little Rothulings, but I knew that Louie would keep them safe. She would take care of them until I got back.

I followed quietly behind the Troinek until we reached a black door. He opened it and ushered for me to go in. I was not prepared to see the Li'hans seated with a delegation of Troinek leaders, and almost lost my nerve.

"You wished to speak with me?" Li'hans asked, not bothering to stand or move from his seat at the table.

My heart leapt to my throat, and I started sweating. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were busy," I said, turning to leave the way I came in.

"No, please. I didn't have the chance to speak with you earlier, and it would help if you clarified a few things for us. There are conflicting stories," he countered before gesturing for me to take a seat at the table.

I moved tentatively to the chair and sat down. It was so quiet, I just wanted to run back to the room and hide under the blankets again.

Li'hans and the five other Troineks sat quietly and stared at me for several minutes before Li'hans finally broke the silence.

"Would it help if I ask questions?" he offered.

My head bobbed up and down, as I felt my eyes burning with unshed tears.

"Is Grah'lil alive?" he asked.

I shook my head, the first of what would be many tears streaking down my face, as the collective gasp followed my response.

"Can you tell me what happened on Farriss?" He asked.

"We just wanted to have some fun, Louie and I. They said if we wore blue the Caldum would treat us well," I whimpered. "They drugged the drinks from the bar to make us more compliant."

Another round of gasps circled the table, before Li'hans cleared his throat and silenced them. "Please continue," he encouraged me.

"Someone gave us Reyza? I think that's what it's called? I was so high, I didn't know what was going on at the time. Th-the Caldum went crazy!" I sobbed, choking for breath. "They started fighting for women and Grah'lil was next to me. He was so sweet to me. It's how I knew so much about him when we met, hic-" I cried.

"Louie was pinned down by the leader, but Grah'lil wanted me. H-h-he just wanted to be with me, but another Caldum pulled a knife," I continued, remembering small bits and pieces of the night.

"Do you know who killed him?" One of the other Troineks asked.

I looked up wide-eyed and terrified at the men around the table. "You don't understand. If they know that I remember, they will kill me, Louie, and the Rothulings!" I said with as much conviction as I could muster.

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