Chapter 22 - Best Case Worst Case

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I don't know which ancestor or cosmic deity was watching over us, but there was no way that we were going to walk out the front doors with guards carrying the Robah crystals for us in my initial plan. After finding out that Xoxo had become impregnated with an endangered species, I was further convinced that our escape would be much more complicated than before. One of the guards or whoever had given them permission to release us was, at best, going to get fired. At worse and, most likely, killed.

There was no way that Kek would choose a female to put his spores in knowing that they would require an almost constant state of relaxation and happiness, if she was not locked down safely. More than likely, they had intended to keep her there, drugged up until the eggs hatched. That was best case. After? Nothing good. I didn't even want to consider it.

As for my fate, I wondered if I was next in line to be a fruiting chamber or possibly Locknir's personal sex toy. Definitely best case. Though none of our party from the night before had shown their faces all day, I knew they had not forgotten about us. The question was...had something happened to them or were they too busy? Had they assumed we were helpless, weak females, unable to leave the room and left us for the day?

Killing the Sand Prince had been stupid of them. What if they had begun a war or were trying to cover up his death? My mind could create thousands of possible scenarios if I allowed it to and my tattoos were particularly unhelpful thanks to some blocking mechanism within Locky-poo's room.

Going shopping had been extremely risky, but I had needed to scout, let my tatts catch up, and the shopping bags were the perfect disguise to sneak the crystals out. There was no way to track Locknir and nothing was out of place or alarming, so we were left in the dark.

I gave Xoxo a look that begged her to be submissive and quiet, feeding her a cake so that she remained drugged and happy. I wanted that little sloth army to hatch just as badly as she and our enemies did.

When we rode the elevator to the ground floor, there was another guard waiting for us there. "All of the walls have dropped for the sandstorm," he told the lead of our group.

The head guard grumbled and glanced at us like we were making his job ten times harder than necessary. I wanted to say something snarky. How hard his job was to sit in an office and eat donuts all day, but I didn't know if they even had donuts on the shitty rock of a moon.

"Open the side door and give them a trolley. Wasting a good trolley on a couple of sluts," he muttered under his breath before turning away. "Just get them out of here before we are fully locked down. I don't need Greystone biting my head off."

Oh, his head was definitely going to be ripped off, whether he knew it or not. RIP. Hashtag, the only case.

I tried not to smile as we were led to a utility door and a hover trolley was brought over to us to put our bags on. "Thank you so much," I gushed in the sweetest, girliest voice. What could I say? I had acted like a slut, so I got treated like one. Soon, I would be a rich slut.

"It was so nice of you to-"

I cut Xoxo off with another cake before she could shake his hand, which would show off her arm. If they noticed, we would be in a lot of trouble and we were so close to walking past the finish line. Could it really have been so easy?

As soon as he opened the door, I let out a hissing breath. "Well, shit."

High winds were blowing trash and anything left outside away. Sand was sweeping in golden-red curtains already, even though the storm had not fully arrived.

The guard snickered behind us. "You heard him. Time to leave." He smiled, saccharinely sweet.

I shoved Xoxo toward the trolley and instructed her to lay on the bags so they would not blow away. They were so heavy that it was unlikely, but I was not taking chances. The door literally hit my heel the moment I passed the threshold, the compound eager to be rid of one-night-stand-trash.

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