Chapter 1- Louie

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My mother named me Mabel Dorothy Danswell, and no, despite the surname, I couldn't dance to any beat whatsoever unless I had about four heavy drinks. After mommy dearest had done less than the bare minimum raising me- letting me know which sleazebag she was staying with month to month while I ran the streets like a rat, albeit a very cute one.

Twenty-five years of harsh words and scarce love, I had decided that, not only did the name not suit me whatsoever, but that I was going to be exactly who I wanted to be at all times. . Therefore, I had given myself a new look, new name, and new start in an entirely different solar system.

Call me Louie, after the badass witch goddess Louhi who empowered my adventures with her tales of chaos and murder. My last name varied by the mission, though my current favorite and most used was Rubble. It was hilarious to me to be called Louhi T. Rubble, because of the trouble I did cause. The T? Thunderstruck. Hell, yeah.

My current objective was to sneak aboard a large and well-known battle cruiser that was headed the IX-94 star system and a planet there called Robah. I only knew that it was headed to Robah, because I had been eavesdropping the night before at a bar. Not only were the Gelvonians extremely handsome and stacked for days (hence why I had shadowed them to the establishment), they could drink their weight in liquor. It colored me impressed.

Drinky time was the best time to get the scoop on what was going on. It didn't matter if I was on land, ship, station, or dome city; if I could find a bar, I could find news that would lead me to some kind of payday. It just so happened that Robah was home to a very expensive crystal that powered most starships. Obviously, it was heavily guarded and impossible to get to. Since the Gelvonian's home planet was in the solar system, they controlled the supply of the crystal and going head to head with one of those hunks was...well...not in my deck of cards.

This was just a single adventure on my Life-Of-Constant-Thrills and Love-Of-Dick- Except-Dying. LOCT and LODED. The incredible amount of credits I would get from a single crystal alone would set me up for years and if I fucked a Gelvonian on the way and survived it all, I could put a cute little checkmark next to visiting Robah on my ever-expanding bucket list..

I could already envision myself on some white beach with a fruity drink in my hand. That was if I didn't immediately blow it all on better equipment and cyber tatts.Upgrading my tattoos was my favorite thing of all. Unlike boring Earth tattoos, where ink was injected beneath the skin, the space tattoos offered by the Witten were far more advanced. The tiny drops of liquid not only glowed at night if you wanted them to, but they also contained unlimited data storage in which I kept lots and lots of specialized weaponry.

Simply leaning against most computers or dashboards would infect it with a virus that either destroyed their CPU or software depending on my objective. Since the art form was fairly new, shunned by the authorities, and only offered at two places, hardly anyone knew about them. That made a life of crime so much easier for me.

The last few thousand credits I had stolen from a seedy station had funded a very nice piece of clothing. It was pricey for a reason, able to change shape or stretch so thinly it could work as a second skin. It could even change color or patterns and, at the moment, I had programmed it into a complimentary violet dress with a high thigh slit.

All I had to do was sneak into the Gelvonian's gala, flirt a little bit, and get one to touch me on a tattoo so that I could steal a fingerprint. Maybe I would even snag a little DNA for myself. Wink wink. Badabing badaboom, I would then sneak aboard their ship.

Captain Rubble of the Sitzfleish, Empress of Planet Doom was the best stow away in the universe. My ship you asked? It was one of my first data tatts, a colorful illustration of a sleek and dope-as-fuck-looking space ship on my right ass cheek. It didn't matter that my ship wasn't physical, since I let everyone else drive me around whether they knew it or not.

Planet Doom was sparkly purple orb on my left ankle with a set of bright red, double rings. I was empress of my own planet and captain of my own ship and all the species that could catch a lie wouldn't call my bluff on it.

Once I amassed a fortune, I planned to purchase a moon or a large plot of land, maybe even an island, that I would live out the rest of my days on, a team of handsome manservants tending to my every whim. Naked under the sun until old age and wrinkles suffocated me to death. What could go wrong?

I casually reached behind me and stuffed a little bit of the dress between my butt cheeks to highlight them. I had to play to the urges of these barbarian soldiers, even if I would play the hard-to-get, aristocratic bitch. Then, adjusting my boobs to the tops of my bra cups, I walked confidently to the podium guarding the doorway of the gala.

I could already see drool-worthy Gelvonians just beyond, their hulking six and a half foot bodies loaded with muscle and shimmery golden skin calling my name. Captain Louie T. Rubble at your service.

This is an author collaboration. We do not know what the other will write! You're it Cave.

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