"Do you need me to kiss it?"

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My kind of woman — Mac DeMarco — 3:18

"Sabes que? (yk what?)" Luzu said, "i never got your name," Luzu remarked

"Oh.. its uhm Alexis." I murmured, i didnt like my name, it was so plain compared to everyone elses. "Que nombre tan bonito. (what a beautiful name.)" Luzu said to me his voice soft..

I got up and started climbing the tree, even higher. I got a scratch on my knee, and i was yelped in pain i fell outta the tree.

I used my wings to soften the fall, trying to fly, but i couldnt. I didnt know how to fly. i hit the grown, everything felt blurry for a moment as i started to cry.

No, no, no, Alexis what the hell are you doing? Youre 25, suck it up. You shouldnt be crying over a dumb scratch.

but before i could even hold myself up i was a crying mess, my wings hurt, my knee hurt, and my arms hurt.. everything hurt.

Luzu ran up to me hurdling me into his chest smoothing me, "you need to be careful mi patito (my ducky)" Luzu whispered in my ear as he ran his fingers through the feathers of my wings. "todo duele! (everything hurts!).." i whined out. Luzu sighed. "let me see your knee," Luzu demanded. i showed him my knee, i could hardly make up how my knee looked with all the tears swelling in my eyes.. but i was terrified. Blood scared me.

"hey, hey, shhh shh.. its okay." Luzu rubbed my back. "are you wings okay?" Luzu asked me, i nodded. "hm," luzu reached in his sweater pocket pulling out some bandages. "Do you just carry those around?" I laughed, i guess this cheered me up a bit. "Yea, now which one you want, niñito? (little boy)"

I looked at the bandages Luzu had, lightin mcqueen, normal ones, and spongebob. "Why do you carry around childrens bandages? also lightin mcqueen." i tilted my head and he placed two bandages on my knee. "they are smaller and for some stupid reason they cheer people up." Luzu laughed, "do you need me to kiss it?" Luzu teased pinching my cheek. "N-no! im not a baby!" I groaned. "Alexis eres mi tipo de chico, eres tan tonto que es lindo. (Alexis you're my kind of guy, you're so dumb it's cute.)"

"IM NOT DUMB!" I grunted.

"𝘽𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣" || LUCKITY || eng book !!Where stories live. Discover now