"my life was wrecked by being gay!"

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Gay jokes — rio romeo — 2:40

"You look very young.." He said grabbing my face and observing it very closely.

"w-well im barely 25 so id suppose thay is young?.." My face was completely red. "y-youre what now?"he said quite shocked. "25.. you?" I was confused, he looked older than me, but when i first saw him he looked younger than me. "im 28." Luzu said

my jaw literally dropped. "YOUR—" he closed my mouth shut.

my own yelling had hurt my head.. ugh.

atleast on the brightside of my week one thing was a good weird thing?..

"sh.. you're going disturb animals." Luzu said, "Now lets just catch up."

He sat down leaning back on the trunk of the tree. I climbed on to a branch and laid on it. "you still climb the tree at your age?" Luzu teased. "says the almost 30 year old man." i rolled my eyes, giggling bit.

"So, hows family?" Luzu asked.

i thought about my family for a minute.. i hardly ever thought about them. I didnt want to. i havent given them a thought since i was 15.. i hardly remember what they even look like or why i dont think about them anymore. "uhh.. pass me that journal!" I said pointing to a brown journal that was practically up to someones ankle. Luzu looked shocked, but passed me it.

i scrolled through the pages.

"Seriously you don't remember your own parents?" luzu asked me. "its hard to remember anything.. but journaling i guess makes it easier.

December 12 2014

i want to cry, why cant i just like girls? i dont wanna be on the streets. I want to be with my momma.. the same momma that left me here. Why arent i a normal child? i suppose to like girls. but i havent had a single girl crush. i dont think ill ever recover.

"oh.." my face dropped.

"whats wrong, mi patito?"

"Nada (nothing), i just dont seem to have anything on them in my journal!.. how weird." i murmured trying to just move on. "well what about your parents?"

"Hm, i dont have the best relationship with them currently thanks to my job, but im sure theyll find a way to find they still love me." luzu explained to me, without even having to think about it.

"Your ma and papa love you?" I asked.. i dont think ill recover either 15 year old me is right.

"yea!" Luzu smiled.

i felt such jealousy towards him. i wanted to have that, i wanted to have a momma that loved me.. not one that disowned me on a street... Quackity snap out of it!! this is negative energy.. you DONT want to give that off.










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