"So we have meet before."

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tw: mentions of sa

Absence — rio romeo — 2:31

I sat down in my favorite spot in the whole world, the plains area that was in the forest. the oak tree hadnt lost its beauty in all these years. The leaves still shined with the sun, the oak still felt rough, the branches still fell to the grown.

The grass still felt prickly yet soft and comforting, and most importantly, the tree was still climbable.

i dont climb it as much as i did when i was a kid, but i do ever now and then to see the sunset and sunrise.

i sat down journaling my thoughts from this week, i do this every week.. to refresh i guess.

february 12, 2023
Time: 14:33 / 2:33 pm

its been a weird week, not crazy.. but extremely weird. just everything seems so off.

First, it all started on monday with the dude, the one with the red eyes. He seemed so familiar yet distance. i dont even want to get into what rubius tried to do that day, that really fucked up my week. Even roier acting suspicious, hes been calling off sick recently, he hardly misses work. Whether i call him he doesnt answer or claims hes busy.. i thought i knew everything about my best friend but it feels like ive been completely shut out his life. Maybe im just overthinking again.

Hm, I cant stop thinking what would have happened if i did stay in that car with rubius. it makes me want to cry..

Another thing thats happen today, is rubius hasnt come since the situation, which im glad for.. i think sometimes i do wish he hug me.. but then when he does it feels like hes indenting his hand prints on to me like an object.. but that doesnt matter. i recently found out there was a camera in the bathroom. Does rubius have some sort of piss kink that he wants to see the employees while the do their business? or does he simply wanna see what they have down their pant?. im kinda glad i dont use the restroom that often during work, and thankfully i noticed the camera before even actually using the restroom. He doesnt seem to have any in the non employee bathroom so ill just use that one.

I felt someones eyes staring me down.

"whose there?" i said looking around, to see if i could see anyone peaking from behind the trees or anywhere else. i shut mu book down, and gripped my pen, i knew the pen wouldnt do shit but it made me feel safe to no i atleast had something to grip on to.

"luzu" someone said, a person said.. black hoodie, baggy jeans, what were ripped, not for the style but just ripped. The name immediately ringed multiple bells in my head..

the painting.. "Luzu Vlogs"

"Luzu Vlogs?" I said slightly letting my guard down. The person nodded his head. "Y-you drew that painting.."

"Youre the little boy i painted?.." Luzu seemed quite shocked. I shoved my journal to the side and without a thought i jumped into his arms, he smiled. "You look.."

"..as delicate as a babydoll." He murmured softly.

"A babydoll?.." i questioned him.

"Your skin is soft just like one.." Luzu said, he looked memorized.. "You know the last thing i expected someone like to work at is an oxxo.. you were so adventurous from what it seemed like." Luzu ranted to me. "now youre trapped in a room." he said, i shrugged it off.

"Where have you been all this time?.." I asked him, "i had to move.. far from here.. but im back mi patito." Luzu explained to me. "And i promise you with all my heart.. i wont be leaving ever again."

this whole situation had felt straight outta of a book.

"Ill leave with you this time." I smiled at him, maybe weve only seen each other twice in our lives one when i was 8, and now when im 25.. but i could swear to you he could purpos—.. you're falling inlove too quickly quackity. Snap out it. Its just a simple reunion with someone who drew a painting of you.. and now haunts your dreams... basically.

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